The new girl

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DISCLAIMER:This is my very first story so im sorry is its terrible and plz tell me if it terrible and give me some tips if u don't mind, also trigger warning if you are uncomfortable with abuse,self-harm,cussing,violence,and gay people then this story is not good for you now with that out the way enjoy <3    (P.S. I don't own any of the art)                                            







   Natsuki POV:

"SAYORI PUT THAT CUPCAKE DOWN ITS NOT TIME YET"I yell at sayori as she is running with a cupcake in her hands

"YOUR NOT MY MOM"She yells back as the takes a big bite out of the cupcake, while monika is just laughing in the back.But then out of the the blue there is a knock on the club room door.Everyone goes quiet as Monika opens the door, and to my surprise  I see this tall girl with beautiful long purple hair and eyes.I immediately feel my face burn up and my heart starts to pound.

"H-hi is t-this the literature  c-club"She shyly says.

"Yes it is, are u here to join?"Monika says in a excited voice, she nods"Great we needed more members, my names monika and im the president and the girl with coral hair over there is the vice president and the girl with pink hair is nasuki, we are pleased to have you here!"monika says.

"T-thank you,h-hello everyone my name is y-yuri nice to meet you a-all"She says quietly. Sayori's eyes light up and she immediately rushes over to her bombarding her with questions that is obvious making her uncomfortable,while im just in the back just chuckling at the situation.But out of no where we lock eyes i freak out, but for some reason neither of us look away,until Monika speaks again.

"Okay,Everyone!"we both jump and break our gaze to monika "Its time to go home, so i will see you tomorrow"As she packs her stuff she quickly says "Oh and don't forget to write your poems byeeee"which i look over at yuri who now looks confused.


"Yeah,we right poems for every club meeting and share them she forgot to mention that"I say before looking up at her nervous expression"Oh don't worry about it they don't judge"

"O-oh ok,thank you N-natsuki"

"No problem"I say before she starts to walk out the classroom, but out of nowhere i blurt out "WAIT"she jumps.shit natsuki what have you done."W-would you like to walk home t-together"I stutter like an idiot.

"Sure" she says while smiling, damn her smile is so pretty.As we walk home we walk in silence until i break the silence.

"So what do you like to read?

"O-oh i have been getting in to h-horror lately" 

"Ugh i hate horror"I say 

"O-oh really?w-why is t-that"She studders. The real reason was i was to scared but i didn't want to tell her that or she would  make fun of me.

"Its nothing, im just not a fan"

"O-oh ok,what type of books do you like to read natsuki?"

"M-manga"I shyly say

"Oh interesting"

"Hey what is that supposed to mean!"I blurt out without thinking 

"O-Oh -n-nothing i w-was just saying i-it is a i-interesting genre"

"Yeah sure" dammit why am i such a bitch    

"Oh this is m-my house"She says 

"Oh right well cya"

"And natsuki"


"T-thank you for w-walking with me"I blush intensely

"Y-yeah whatever"She smiles and wakes good bye as she walks in to her house. I sigh and continue walking to my house.

A few minutes later i arrive at my house as i feel a chill down my spine as i see my dads car in the driveway.I gulp and enter my house as the stench of alcohol floods my nose.

"NATSUKI WHERE THE FUCK HAVE YOU BEEN YOU ARE LATE"My dad shouts at me obviously drunk

"I-im sorry d-dad i w-was walking h-home with a f-friend"

"DONT GIVE ME THAT BULLSHIT WHO WOULD WANT TO BE YOUR FRIEND"He says as he smashes a bottle on my head as i feel throbbing pain go through my head"Don't ever do that again,do you understand me?"

"Y-yes s-sir"I say as i feel tears start to form in my eyes"

"Good" he says before he collapses back on to the couch.I quickly run up to my room and sit on the floor and cry

why does my life have to be like this 

why did i have to be born into this life 

why did my mom have to leave me with this monster

I think as i lay on the floor after a while i get up and sit down at my desk and start writing my poem........shit  my mind has gone blank ....

After what felt like ages i finally have a poem:(A/N:plz feel free to make fun of my poem writing  skills lol)

The purple blossom 

as i pick the flowers i smile from the different smells and colors 

but out of the corner of my eye i spot something purple

i walk over to it and see it

the purple blossom 

i pick it then i take a gently whiff  as the beautiful smell fills my nose

the flower has a unique yet gorgeous pattern

i smile as i run home with my new discover

then find a small vase to put some water and the flower in

after i place it on the windowsill i smile at my beautiful purple blossom

(A/N: plz end me that was so bad XD)

As i read it over again i felt my face heat up. you dumbass natsuki stop thinking about yuri you just met her today you don't know anything about her you can't already have a crush on her you gay lonely idiot!!I mentally yelled at myself i had no clue why i couldn't get her off my mind.I thought about writing another poem but im too tired at this point so i just hopped in the shower.But even then i couldn't get her off my mind.At that point i just wanted to bang my head against a wall until i forgot about her goddamn it why do i have to be a lesbian.I get out the shower and get ready for bed, after that i lay down and try to forget about her, but i just ended up making it worse as i blush and smile like an idiot as i drift off the sleep.

A/N wow that is my very first wattpad chapter i have ever wrote and its terrible i hope u enjoyed tho which u probably didn't cuz god its so bad

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