Why would you do this?

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(A/N this was at the beginning of the last chapter just from a different perspective) 

Natsuki's POV:

As yuri made the banner and other decorations i was baking cupcakes and we were talking back and forth having some good laughs, like good friends which i never thought would happen.When i was done with the cupcakes i let them cool and started helping yuri with the decorations, but it was dead silent so i decided to start conversation again.

"So do you wanna help me frost the cupcakes once they're done cooling?" 

"Oh s-sure sounds fun"

"What do you want to do after we are done though?"

"U-um we could play a board game, watch a movie,o-or we can use my Nintendo Switch i have up stairs."

"Ohhh that sounds fun, what games do you have on it?"

"I believe i have Mario kart, smash bros, or just dance"

"Hmmmm all those sound really fun, guess i will have to think about it"

"Ok t-take your time"She says before we continue the last part of the banner.When we finish i stretch before getting up  and head over to the cupcakes to see if they have cooled, and they have.

"Hey yuri cupcakes are cooled are you ready to frost them?"


"But first we got to make the frosting, can you hand me all  the ingredients over there please"    

"Sure"yuri says before she walk over to the counter and grabs all of he ingredients for the frosting and walks back over to place them on the counter.

"Great now we just need to mix them together"As i dump all the ingredients in to the mixer and turn it on i feel eyes staring at the back of my head, when i turn around i see yuri looking at me with i soft smile."Umm yuri, are you good?"

"O-oh yeah, s-sorry i was spacing out?"

"You're fine just wanted to make sure you were ok"


"No problem, also can you take out the piping bags from my bag?"

"Yeah, where do you want me to put them?"     

"Just on the counter next to the cupcakes"

"Ok"she says as she puts the piping bags down.A few seconds after i finish the frosting and bring it to the piping bags and start filling them with frosting,when im done i start telling yuri what to do.

"Alright so im going to show you how i want you to decorate these cupcakes" I say as i grab the piping bag and show her step by step on how to make the cupcakes that are decorated like cats.Once im done i give her the piping bag and let her try it, and surprising she was really good at it it almost looked identical to mine."Whoa, are you sure this is your first time decorating cupcakes?"

"Y-yes i guess it just c-came natural to me"       

"I guess so"i say with a small smile.We continued to take turns until all the cupcakes were done, then we went up stairs to play on her Nintendo Switch which we just ended up playing smash bros which was pretty fun, it was probably the most fun i have has in a while but i never expected that with her.But while we she was picking her character for the next round i looked over and saw how close together we were, we were basically shoulder to shoulder.When i realized this i felt myself blush intensely  and immediately turn away to focus on the game which after seeing that i was getting my ass kicked.

"Natsuki you're not doing to well this game, are you ok?"

"Yeah im fine"i say as we continue, but i lost horribly that game even though i was kicking her ass earlier.But after that i was able to shake it off and continue playing the game normally and we had a lot of fun.At one point we decided to start settling down and just start talking about random things but in the middle of it she goes to the bathroom.So while i am waiting for her to come back i start being a bit nosy and start looking around, until i see a black velvet cloth covering something on her windowsill.Out of curiosity i go over there and pick up the fabric to reveal  something that made my stomach drop.There was about a 6 to 7 inch knife in a holster attached to a belt so you can where it around your waist.holy fuck what is this for?.I think as i slowly pull the knife out of the holster and look at the blade.As i look i can see the sharp edge of the blade is blood stained.I panic as soon as i saw this and my head jumped to conclusions.Does yuri kill people?No,the entire knife would be covered in blood.But then thats when i realized yuri most likely cuts herself.So i put the knife back in the holster and cover it back up and wait for yuri to return.When she came back i looked at her with concern which made her light smile fade.

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