🦎👁Theater Geeks👁🦎

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Requested by: D394222

Summary: Dolores tells Camilo that Bruno is in the walls. Camilo meets Bruno. The two eventually become close since they both share a love for theatre.

Camilo P.O.V

It was just a regular Saturday, at least, until Dolores knocked on my door quietly so she didn't hurt her ears. "Come in." I said quietly, knowing it was Dolores. I heard my door open and Dolores came over to my bed and sat next to me. "So, Camilo... You know how we don't talk about Tío Bruno?" Dolores said quieter than usual. I nodded my head. "I can hear him muttering and mumbling in the walls... Yesterday, I heard his conversation with his rats in the walls! He is a theater geek, just like you!" Dolores said, now smiling. "Alright, Hermana! Show me where Tío is!" I said enthusiastically. Dolores led me behind a painting where I saw a man holding a rat, wearing a green ruana, and he had messy black curly hair and even a beard. This was Tío Bruno! Tío Bruno pulled out two chairs. One for me, and one for Dolores. "So, kid! Do you like Telenovelas?" Bruno asked excitedly. "Of course I do! I'm a shapeshifter who lives in a theatre!" I responded happily.
Bruno switched the entertainment center from game shows to Telenovelas. The rats immediately got behind cutouts and acted out the characters. I was stunned! My Tío Bruno was so similar to me! I began hanging out I
in the walls with Tío Bruno every day. Eventually, as time passed, our bond grew. One day, Tío Bruno and I were interrupted from our telenovelas by a violent shake. We both crawled out of the walls to see what was happening, and we saw Mirabel. "The miracle is dying, because of you!" Mirabel shouted at Abuela. Suddenly, an uncomfortable silence was broken by a large CRACK.
Mamí yelled as she saw the large crack separating Abuela and Mirabel.
Miracle ran after the candle while screaming "CASITA, GET ME UP THERE!"
I wasn't about to lose my Prima. I ran after Mirabel while shape-shifting to get past numerous obstacles. Suddenly,
I saw Isabela using her vines to get up to Mirabel. I ran and ran until I was on the roof, and had to jump over a huge gap in order to get up to Mirabel. Suddenly, my power dissapeared and I was left falling, but someone was there to catch me, even without his powers. Bruno.
I would have died if it hadn't been for my Tío Bruno.
He let me go and I ran out of the house, alongside Bruno.
One person wasn't getting out, Mirabel. Casita eventually crumbled with Mirabel still inside. However, I saw Casita use the last of its magic to save her. Mirabel was found by Julieta, and I let out a sigh of relief knowing that everything was okay.

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