A quick vent

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Hey guys. I have been hard at work with a new story about Pepa! It gets angsty at the end, but I am making two endings, a good and a bad ending. I'm not gonna spoil it though. Anyways, I feel the need to vent about things going on in my life.

I have two months. ONLY TWO MONTHS to catch up before I have to take 4-5 regents exams. Keep in mind, I haven't taken a regents exam IN MY LIFE. My grades are at an all time low, one of my classmates WONT leave me alone no matter what I do. On top of all of that, my parents are NO HELP. All they do is yell at me. My motivation is at an all time low, and I constantly feel like crying. I'm falling behind with assignments (idk how since I constantly am fighting to keep them up)
And I haven't got ONE perfect score on a single test or quiz. My parents constantly take things away from me because I'm apparently not working hard enough even though I already have a lot going on mentally and so much physically. On top of that, I'm worried that I won't get into collage or even pass all my regents exams.

Oh yeah, and half of my school friends (including my boyfriend) turned out to be fake

If I am slow with updates, this is why.

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