🌦Mi pequeño Brillo Solar🌦

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WARNING: THIS IS NOT A SHIP- THIS IS OUT OF A NEICES LOVE- IF I SEE THIS BEING SHIPPED I WILL CRY- PEPA HAS A FRICKIN HUSBAND, THEY ARE RELATED, MIRABEL IS 15, AND PEPA IS FRICKIN 50. Also, if it's not obvious, this takes place after the movie, so generally everyone is nicer to Mirabel, but it's not seen too much here.
Anyways, ON WITH WHATEVER WEIRDNESS (OR SADNESS) I HAVE CREATED. Also, this story is wholesome but it ends out angsty. Sorry, I just felt like doing fluff and angst, so... btw this wasn't a request from anyone. It's just something that came across my mind.

Yes I did just waste 70 words avoiding shipping.

Summary: Pepa falls ill shortly after Casita is rebuilt, and Mirabel helps her, along with Félix and Julieta, but mainly Mirabel. Nobody is expecting what happens next though. Eventually, things get worse and let's just say it definitely isn't a cold 😂

Also, I headcanon that Julieta can only heal physical wounds, but she also knows medicine, which heals sicknesses but Pepas sickness won't heal.  Julieta is an amazing sister so she looks after Pepa anyway.


Mirabels POV:

It had been a week since Casita was rebuilt. I started to notice Tía Pepa involuntarily causing thunderstorms or hurricanes often. I decided to confront her and Tío Félix about it. I knocked on Tías door and waited outside for someone to answer. Suddenly, the door opened to reveal a pale and tired Tía Pepa, who had grown eye bags. "Tía! You don't look so good!" Mirabel said in a concerned tone. Just then, Tia Pepa let out a loud cough which just concerned me more. "I'm fine, Mirabel... Everything is fine. Everything is perfect." I could just tell by Tías tone and the raspiness in her voice that she was lying. "Tía, I can tell that you are lying, and if you are sick, you HAVE to see my mom." I said in a tone that was a tiny bit strict.
"Mirabel, please! I'm fine, I promise!" Pepa said right before letting out a cough. "Ok, fine. I am sick, but your mamí's food doesn't help." Pepa said, ashamed for lying. "I knew it- Wait... Why doesn't Mamas food help you?" I asked, clearly concerned. "Because. Her food can only heal physical wounds, but this is the first time in 45 years that her knowledge hasn't cured a sickness." Pepa said in a sad tone. "Well, I can help you get through it!" I said happily "I just so happen to be an expert in the amazing art of relaxation." I said jokingly which earned a chuckle from Tía. "Alright, Mira. If you insist." Pepa said happily.
I quickly ran into her room, and signaled her to lay down in her bed. When she layed down, I helped her put her blanket on. "Okay, Tía, now you can just rest." I said happily while turning off the lights. "Thank you so much, Mira" Tía let out in a tired tone. Mirabel just smiled and left her Tía to rest.
Nobody's P.O.V
Julieta and Félix were both constantly trying to keep her calm, and Mirabel tried to find a cure, but there was no cure.
Mirabel went down to the dining area for dinner. During dinner, everyone just had their normal conversations, avoiding any discussion about Pepa, as it made the air tenser.
Around an hour and a half later, Mirabel went to check on Pepa, but she was in a coma. Mirabel and Julieta decided to tell everyone what was happening to Pepa during a family meeting. "Everyone, I have some really bad news..." Julieta said, which earned worried looks from everyone. "I... I'm sorry but... Pepa got sick a few days ago, today we went to check on her, and... Pepa is in a coma." Julieta said with a super sad tone. Everyone looked close to tears, except for Antonio who didn't quite understand the situation, being at the tender age of 5. "W-What does that mean?" Antonio innocently asked. "It just means that Mamí will be asleep for a little while. But don't worry, Hermano! She will be just fine." Dolores said, fighting back tears for her baby brother. The next week went by quickly, and there was no conversation about Pepa, as it hurt for pretty much everybody. Mirabel started to get concerned for Pepa, who had been in a coma for a week. Mirabel went to check on Pepa with her mother, Tío Bruno, and Tío Félix. They saw Pepa awake but barely breathing. Her face had lost all of its natural color. Slowly, Pepa turned to face the door, seeing Mirabel, Julieta, Bruno, and a distraught Félix.
"Mi familia..." Pepa said weakly "Mi amor... You're gonna be okay... I promise... We will get you help." Félix said in an attempt to hold back his tears. "W-Where's Mirabel?"
"I'm here, Tía... I'm here..." Mieabel said while holding  Pepa's hand, Félix holding the other. Mirabel had tears running down her cheek, as she could hear the pain in her Tías voice. "Mirabel, I am so sorry!" Pepa let out with tears in her eyes. "Tía, you have nothing to apologize for. What do you mean?" Mirabel said in a confused tone. "I was such  a bad Tía to you... ever since you didn't get your gift... What... did you do... in return? You... You constantly smiled to show not just me... but EVERYONE... that you cared about us... that you loved us... regardless of our... mistakes..." Pepa let out, feeling guilty. "You're all my family. Of course I care about you guys." Mirabel said while smiling. "But it's not like I even got a gift. What even makes me special?" Mirabel continued and scoffed. "Mirabel, listen to me...
You had a gift all along.
You just had to see it." Pepa said in an attempt to smile. "If I actually HAD a gift, my door wouldn't have faded, making me known as the useless Madrigal..." Mirabel said with an annoyed look directed towards herself. "Your gift was love... You... Bought the family together..." Pepa said, attempting to help Mirabel find positivity. "I guess your right... and there's nothing I'd rather do then help you get better." Mirabel said with a smile directed towards Pepa.
"Gracias, Mi pequeño... sol..." Pepa said weakly. Pepa slowly fell limp, and closed her eyes for the final time. Mirabel panicked when she observed her Tías current state. Julieta checked for Pepas pulse before letting out choked tears. Her pulse was extremely frail and Pepa was barely breathing. "I'm gonna go get the medicine. Félix, find everyone and get them in here. Bruno, look in the future to see if she survives. Mirabel, keep track of her pulse while I'm gone. If this doesn't work... I don't wanna say it..." Julieta said while running into the kitchen with tears running down her face. Bruno and Félix eventually left the room. Mirabel quickly checked Pepas pulse. Pepas pulse was there, but it was once again, extremely frail. Then, It stopped. It eventually hit Mirabel. Her Tía Pepa just passed away from her sickness. She had died. Pepa hadn't called Mirabel her Pequeño Sol ever since she didn't get a gift. The last thing that Pepa had said to Mirabel was the one thing she had been waiting to hear just for one last time since she was 5. Mirabel then let out a heart-wrenching scream, which alerted all members of the family. Everyone ran into Pepa's room, but were stopped by the sight of the state that Pepa was in and couldn't help but cry. Félix fell to his knees and started sobbing, before being pulled into a hug by Agustín. Pepa had to be okay. Felíx couldn't have lost his amor. "Pepi has to be okay... She has to be... R-Right, Mirabel?" Felix let out in between sobs.
"Tío Félix... I'm sorry... We tried everything, but she's gone..." Mirabel let out in a quiet tone while sobbing.
This made Félix cry even louder. He truly loved Pepa with all his heart. Now she was gone.

There wouldn't be any more hurricanes. No more rainstorms. The climate would control itself after 45 years of Pepa controlling the weather. Even worse, The Madrigal triplets were reduced down to two. Mirabel ran up to her Tía and broke down in tears while hugging her. Antonio saw his mother, and was confused by everyone crying, and his mother sleeping in the middle of the day. "Why is mamí sleeping in the middle of the day? That's silly!" Antonio asked with innocent eyes, filled with worry. "Antonio... Sometimes, people sleep during the day... But your Mamí is somewhere far right now... and if you are extremely patient, she will come back." Bruno said in between sobs, trying to help the little boy understand. Camilo couldn't even look at his mother. It hurt too much seeing his own mothers lifeless body, so he settled with sobbing to himself in the corner. Camilo had lost one of the people that he looked up to most. He was eventually pulled out of his thoughts by Dolores pulling him into a hug. Abuela just stood there in shock, not noticing the tears running down her cheek. She had outlived one of her three triplets. It had always been Bruno, Pepa, and Julieta, but now it was just Bruno and Julieta. First, Pedro, and now Pepa.
Bruno and Julieta hugged eachother tightly, as if their sibling was the last thing in the world. Isabela and Luisa both broke down in tears, but decided to comfort Mirabel, as she seemed to be the most broken apart by this. Isa held a close bond with her Tía, making Isabela look up to her Tía with great passion, but now that passion was filled with sadness. Dolores covered her ears immediately, as the sounds of crying and screaming were too loud, but she was crying loudly herself because she didn't care at this point. Her Mama who was always there for her, who never judged her, who always treated her with kindness, who had taught Dolores and Camilo to hone their abilities and emotions before they even got their gifts, was gone. Dolores decided to cheer up her distraught younger brother by pulling him into a hug.
The Madrigals were all in a state of mourning for their lost family member. The next day was silent, no one daring to talk. Then came Pepas funeral, which everyone attended, no matter how hard it rained. They all loved Pepa, but now she was gone. Félix cried every night, thinking his amor wasn't by his side anymore, but she was. Pepa met Abuelo Pedro, and together, they stood by the family in grief, and tried to help them. Pepa was always by Félix's side. Eventually, Pepas door faded, and the name changed from Pepa to Félix, along with the portrait. Eventually, the weather became rainy, but  there was a cloud hovering over Félix's head. Félix had received Pepas gift. Why did Félix have his wife's gift? The cloud was a clear indicator that Félix was not okay after his wife's passing. Everyone was shocked after finding Félix with a thundering cloud over his head. Agustín went up to Félix and put a supportive hand on the man's shoulder. Slowly, the raincloud turned into a regular cloud. "It's okay, amigo. I know you're still sad about Pepa. She would want to see you happy, Félix." Agustín said in a comforting manner.
"Pepa will always be Mi Sol, no matter how far away she may be." Félix said while wiping away tears from crying.

"The true miracle is you, Mi Nube."


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