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"You've certainly seen better days."

A pair of gray eyes focused on the paperback held in his hand, taking in the way the paper of the spine bent and folded while the color of the cover faded and flecked away at the edges and where the front and back met the spine. The advantages of the pages aged slightly, while the cover, let alone the use of paperback, was distinctly a Muggle thing.

"I could always buy you a new one."

Regulus looked up from looking at the cover of Twelfth Night to see Sirius standing in the doorway of his room, watching him pack to head off to Hogwarts. With the grace of a Black, Sirius pushed himself away from the door and walked over and looked at the others.

"Winter's Tale, Romeo and Juliet, A Midsummer Night's Dream, Much Ado About Nothing, I can easily get you new copies."

"No! I love these just fine," Regulus said, pulling the book close, frowning as Sirius continued touching his five volumes of Shakesphere. Still, when Sirius picked up The Winter's Tale, Regulus snatched the book from him, holding it to his chest, glaring at his older brother.

"I'm going to suggest The Winter's Tale for you next because I kind of like the name Hermione for a girl. No other reason."


"Sorry. I got lost in thought, but don't touch them," Regulus said. And now Sirius glared at the books. "Please? They're important to me."

"You know, your collection's not complete, right?" Sirius let out a sigh, running a finger behind his ear.

"Yes. It says so at the beginning of the book. And what's the sudden interest in my editions of Shakespeare all of a sudden?" Regulus muttered, his mouth forming a pout.

Sirius turned, his mouth twisting into a smile as he placed his hands on his hips. "Why wouldn't I be?"

"That's a stupid answer, Sirius, and you know it," Regulus said, narrowing his eye.

Sirius responded by poking him in the forehead. "Which is your answer whenever you don't understand what I'm saying, but why, dear Regulus, would I not be curious about these books you have by a Muggle writer, albeit I didn't pick up on it at first."

Regulus reached up, still clutching his first two volumes to his chest, brushing Sirius' finger away from his forehead. "That's because you're not into books, that you didn't realize what a Muggle book looked like."

"True, but that doesn't change you having a volume of Shakesphere being a tad strange, little one."

Regulus glared. He then firmly said one word at a time. "Not a little kid, Sirius."

"You're still my little brother," Sirius said, laughing. "I could get you the rest."

"Not the same," Regulus said.

"It's not?"

"No, it's not."

"And the other thing," Sirius turned to look at the books.


"They're in the wrong order."

"No, they're very much in the right order," Regulus said.

Sirius shook his head, reaching next for Romeo and Juliet. "No, I talked to Lily, and she said it's definitely in the wrong order when I told her the order you keep them in. The first two..." Regulus quickly snatched the third from him, continuing to glare. "That you are already holding were written before the other three."

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