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"Just because a private forum is off-limits to other students who haven't been permitted to join doesn't mean it's off-limits to the prophesier," Fabian said. Hermione stared at him, as did Draco, both taken off guard. "But then, if you were from this world and more familiar with computers, the two of you would have known that, right?"

Hermione felt her body tense; her head turned to look at Draco, who tried putting on his usual attitude, only to fail. Finally, he turned and looked at the two. "Do you two professors make a habit of spying on your students."

"No," Gideon said. "Though we do often look through the private forums to make sure there's not anything amiss, as do some of the perfect."

"The reason your forum came to our attention was the use of the word Horcrux, which," Fabian narrowed his eyes, "that's not something first-year students should know, nor should they know that Professor Black dealt with Inferi during the war. He died, did he? As did we?"

Hermione let her hands clench her robes. "You wouldn't have normally dismissed the class early."

"No. And you're not in trouble. It's just, that there's only a select few who know about that. Not even Sirius knows as Regulus doesn't want him to," Gideon said. "It's us, Regulus and Dumbledore."

Hermione glanced over at Neville, who was still fiddling with the computer he was in front of, frowning. "So, just to let you know, Neville probably left his wand in the drawer below the other computer."

"You're changing the subject," Fabian said while Gideon went over and fetched Neville's wand and handed it to the boy, who rather sheepishly apologized.

"She wasn't changing the subject. Longbottom was always this spaced out before."

"Confidence issue," Hermione said.

"You're saying we should keep an eye on him a little more," Fabian sighed. "Reminds me how Regulus could get to be when he was younger, though I don't remember him ever forgetting his wand places. Then again, I wasn't teaching when he was at school." He leaned back. "The question is, did we get all of the Horcrux."

"I don't know," Draco said. "I'm not the best person to ask. I know there was a locket, a trophy because I remember my Aunt Bellatrix talking about them and how Harry and his friends were going around destroying them."

"Well, Harry and Nagini were, but the circumstances are different," Hermione said as Gideon continued helping Neville with the computer.

"You mean to say the circumstances which led to them becoming Horocrux didn't happen in this world, whatever that Nagini is?"


"And we have destroyed the locket and the trophy."

"There's also the ring, the diadem, and the journal," Hermione said.

Fabian let out a sigh of relief. "Well, it seems we ended up getting all of them. Gideon and me, so Voldemort won't be coming back. Not unless he ended up making a Horcrux we didn't find out about."

Gideon came back. "So, I went over the day's lesson with him, but I think we may need to be prepared for a little extra time after class for that one."

"Not surprising," Draco muttered.

"You're going to tell Dumbledore, aren't you?" Hermione asked.

"I think that would be best," Fabian said. "But I think he'll believe you if that's what you're worried about." He saw Draco flinch. "But that's not all you're worried about?"

"You're going to ask questions, aren't you? About what we got up to when he returned?" Draco muttered.

"Well, given that you referred to him as the Dark Lord, we can guess what you don't want to talk about, Draco," Fabian said, leading the conversation.

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