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His stomach churned, and Regulus went over the puzzle pieces again in his mind. "Her last name is the same as Olivia's. Her first name is the name Olivia said she liked for a girl. Her eyes are brown, and her hair is brown, like Olivia's. I can see that from here. But her hair isn't straight. That untamed bushiness reminded me of Bella's hair when she didn't care for it. So is she..."

Regulus felt someone elbow him in the ribs as the Sorting Hat was placed on the girl's head, and he turned to look at Fabian to his right while Gideon looked on. He whispered low, "Are you alright?"

"I'm fine," Regulus said, noting how the Sorting Hat took a bit of time with this one, his mind worrying that if what he suspected was true, the Sorting Hat was discussing it with that girl. "No. Hermione. She referred to her as that girl who makes me no better than the rest of the family. It—does she know about me? I mean..."


Regulus looked up, watching Hermione Granger approach the Gryffindor tables. "Is she really Olivia's daughter? She must be. But is she mine? Is that where the kink in her hair comes from, the Black family wave? And does she know about me, is that why—is that why she hates me?"

He thought that the moment she decided to look at him, glaring as she did so, he couldn't help but feel some level of hurt that she hated him. Quickly he became interested in his cup, thinking of how he might, "It certainly is an awkward situation I've found myself in, but there's a chance she's not. Not mine, not Olivia's. I can't jump to conclusions."


There came another nudge, and Regulus looked up, eyes blinking at his cousins, albeit cousins through marriage.

"You've not eaten anything," Gideon said.

"Oh." Not eating wasn't something that bothered Regulus as it probably should.

"I'll ask the House Elves to send something to your quarters, so promise me you'll eat something?" Gideon smiled, yet Regulus knew he was unhappy with how he'd not eaten.

"Don't worry. Just tell them to bug him until he does eat. They'd be pleased to do so, and Reg hates worrying the House Elves," Fabian said. "And don't stay up too late doing computer stuff, albeit I know how you love your minesweeper. Perhaps we should suggest that to Fred and George for their plans on making a Wizarding game?"

"Don't encourage them, Fabian."

"It's still better than those jokes they're developing and more towards Molly's liking."

"Ron is the one for this year?" Regulus said, having listened to Draco being sorted into Slytherin and Harry being sorted into Gryffindor, finally hearing the name of the Weasley child for that year.

"Yup. I'm curious to see the route that one goes," Gideon chuckled.

"And hopefully, he's not a handful," Fabian muttered.

"Fred and George are amusing, though," Regulus said. "And quite a joy to have in class."

Which brought a laugh from the two uncles of the boys, but eventually, the Start-of-Term feast ended, and Regulus headed to his quarters where Crookshanks was lounging on the bed. At the same time, Regulus pondered whether he should have told his cousins about his suspicions.

"No. I need to confirm it first. But to do so..." Regulus glanced over at the computer, unsure of whether doing so was a good idea, before heading over and turning on the computer, knowing full well the computers allowed professors to keep in contact with the parents, including the Muggle parents.

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