06| Two butterflies

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My throat scratches and I slip out of Vivian's bed heading for the kitchen

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My throat scratches and I slip out of Vivian's bed heading for the kitchen. I trudge along the floors feeling my sleep already starting to fade away leaving me in the aftermath of a groggy early morning.

Passing the hallways I stop seeing the small light peeking from under the door in Dominic's study. My brows furrow knowing that it was at least past 3am. Had he been here all night?

I quietly push open the door and immediately my eyes land on Dominic's laid back figure. He doesn't have a shirt on and his arms flex as he tips his head back to take a swig of alcohol. From my distance I see the brown liquid meet his lips and he swallows, his Adam's apple bobbing.

I take a deep breath moving inside and the door shutting snaps him from his thoughts. He turns to me and my eyes meet his completely dilated ones. He stands to his full height swaying side to side and I step closer ready for him to collapse and any moment. He notices this and scoffs, turning his back to me taking another gulp from the bottle itself.

"You can leave." His words slur together but I can still hear the annoyance in his voice.

"I would. But you're drunk out of your mind, can barely stand on your own feet, can't say a proper sentence, and are definitely not in the place to be left alone." I keep my voice leveled even as I see him clench his hands around the glass bottle.

"I don't need a fucking babysitter, Arabella."

"Sure you don't." I say sarcastically and the vein on his neck pulses angrily.

"Last time I checked this isn't your house. Especially this room. So get the fuck out." His raspy voice doesn't back down as he turns to me, giving me a glare.

"I swear to god, Arabella!" He shouts and when I take a step to him his grip on the bottle tightens making it shatter in his hands.

I flinch back, the flash of a similar person showing in front of me. He didn't look like the Dominic that spoke to me so calmly anymore, yet instead he reminded me of the familiar, terrifying look I was given by Nicholas. It was the look I received almost like a head start to prepare myself for what's to come. Whether it was another beating or it was that time of the year for him to take me to bed again. He hurt me.

But I knew Dominic wouldn't. He would never lay hands on me. He may have anger issues but he must still have the control to know not to let his rage take over his body. My mind spirals and I repeat in my head.

He wouldn't.

He wouldn't.

He wouldn't.

I couldn't help the way my hands shook slightly and I took a few cautious moves backwards. My eyes pinch closed and I take a few deep breaths trying to control my rising heartbreak.

"I'm sorry." He says quietly and when my eyes shut even tighter my arms crossed in front of me like a guard I can feel his presence move closer to me.

"Please don't be scared." He tries again and his voice cracked ever so slightly. I've never heard his voice sound so vulnerable except for that day in my room. He held me first, letting me fall apart in his arms. Then he gave himself one moment to let me hold him back. If only he knew that not only was that moment for him, but it was a moment I cherished knowing someone needed me in return. Someone like Dominic.

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