26| I'll kneel for you again

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"You took it too far, Vivian

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"You took it too far, Vivian." I begin gruffly as she leans on me. She pulls away from me and looks up sadly nodding her head.

"I know."

"Thank you for standing up for me. I truly appreciate it. But your words were cruel. I felt more upset by your words than I was by her actions. Calling her a 'whore' was completely out of line. She is not. She's nothing like that." I shake my head disapprovingly at her but my mind went elsewhere.

The look I saw on her face when the word left Vivian's mouth will always be engraved into my mind. It was so full of pain and agony that I would rather have had my eyes ripped from my body so I didn't have to see that on her face.

"I know Dominic. I know. And I feel like shit for it but the word just slipped. I know I should have been able to control myself but I was just so mad. Yes, because of what she did to you. But also a small spiteful part of myself that is still upset about her words to me a few months ago." She looks out the window of the car and I can see the shadow of sadness looming over her.

'That bullet should have been for you.'

Arabella's words still seem to haunt Vivian to this day. These past few months have been agony for her. The entire day after that hospital incident, she kept mumbling to herself and it looked like she was talking to herself. Then we got home and that night she destroyed her room. Threw shit everywhere and had a complete meltdown.

I'd never seen Vivian look so completely out of control yet so lost at the same time. She wasn't herself. She looked like a maniac. But the scariest part was when she reached for the shattered glass pieces. The look in her eyes, the look of giving up, I'd seen it before with Arabella. And myself.

But seeing my own sister and twin doing that, it was like knives to my heart. With Arabella I knew she always had that dark part of her ever since she moved here. Same goes for myself. But with Vivian it took me completely off guard.

My parents hadn't taken note of that. But it was the little details such as those that I could always pick apart. We had to sedate her that night. She started going to therapy like me. She even had to start getting antidepressants.

She seemed to always be quiet but I think talking to someone about how she was feeling really helped her. Now she was somewhat of the shell of the person she was. She kept to herself more than before and didn't seem to smile as much. But it was still a part of Vivian back.

"It's in times like these that I really do wish that the bullet was for me. I wish I was the one in the coma. I wish I was the one who didn't have to wake up everyday." She whispers against the glass of the window that fogs up beneath her breath. She raises her hand to draw a swirl in the condensation. Drawing swirls was something that helped her calm down.

"I don't. And neither would mom. Or dad. None of your family would.'' I give her a small smile but it falters when she frowns even deeper.

"And my friends? I lost them because of my temper. First Arabella at the hospital and now again by saying that to her. Then Aria and Mateo when I went off on them for just being good friends." I don't respond knowing how hard losing them truly was.

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