28| I'm sorry for lying

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The door opens and as soon as my eyes set with the man in front of me, my throat clogs with tears

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The door opens and as soon as my eyes set with the man in front of me, my throat clogs with tears. He looked so different.

He was always shaved or at least until now as he sports a light stubble. His hair that was always tamed back was sticking out in random areas. His life filled eyes that used to look so bright stared blankly back at me. The always about him was once up a time now.

And it was my fault.

"Alejandro." I say shakily, giving a small smile but he doesn't give one back. He nods in acknowledgement but doesn't even invite me in. I would have entered myself considering I have a key but it just didn't feel right to do so anymore. "Can I come in?"

Another nod but no words. He steps out of the way letting me walk in and I look around as if for the first time.

I looked to my left, noticing that the side table no longer had the big vase of flowers. I look to my left where the living room is and see that the smaller vases of roses are gone. All the flowers I added when I came here were all gone. The house was so dead when I moved here and I made it a priority to add so many plants to give it life. But they are all gone now. It looked as though I was never here in the first place.

"I'm sorry. Please don't give me the silent treatment. I can't stand you not talking to me." I mumble quietly but it's heard in the silence of the room. I'm met with more silence from him. "Please, Alec."

"Alejandro is fine." His voice is rough and it makes me flinch. "Why are you really here?"

"Arabella?" I'm cut off as Lorenzo walks down the stairs alongside Antonio. Antonio looked tired with bags under his eyes. Lorenzo looked even thinner than before and it looked like he was about to pass out any second now.

I move closer, placing my hand on his forehead and he tenses. My eyes widen as I feel the burn on my palm. "Oh my god. You're burning up. Shit. You need to go to the hospital."

I grab his arm pulling him with me but he pries my fingers off staying in place. "What are you doing here?" Even his voice sounded weak.

"Please just go to the hospital. And then explain everything to all of you." I plead with him as Xavier and Xander join us downstairs.


"Everything alright?" Xander questions pushing his way to stand in front of me. I can see the concern in his eyes as he looks down at me. Out of everyone here, he gave me the most emotion. As if he understood what I was going through. He didn't want to push me after I pulled away.

"No. Lorenzo is sick. He's boiling. And look how pale he is. He will pass out or worse if we don't get him to the hospital now." I explain to Xander before looking at the treat who looks at me like a stranger. "I don't care how much you hate me but I know you atleast care for Lorenzo. Make sure he's okay and then you can go back to ignoring me. Stop being so stubborn for just one second." I give an exasperated sigh finally done with them not giving attention to the issue at hand just because they were mad at me.

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