Chapter 1 - Laboon; Meet the Straw Hats!

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Name - (Y/N) (L/N)

Age - 18 (y/o)

Born - Alabasta

Father - Alive/Unknown

Mother - Unknown/Unknown

Current status - under-cover in Baroque Works (with Vivi)


It was getting hard to breathe. Damn, these handcuffs were heavy. Where the hell is Mrs. All Sunday?! 

Running through the underground safe room for a Royal family, while being chased by a Logia type? Today is not my day, huh?

Let's go back to the beginning though...

My name is (Y/N) (L/N), and I was born in Alabasta. I know, I know, not somewhere exciting. 

Now come to think of it...I'm not very exciting. I have a normal life, and I'm thankful for that...but coming to this moment, I don't have much to bring to the table.

When I was born, Dad and my best friend, Vivi, were the best and only people truly in my life...

My mother wasn't mean or anything, no it's just that she just neglected me...a lot.

And even if she did interact with me, she would start to complain about how bad a child I was. How I was useless and that she was wasting her money on someone who was going to die anyways. 

Although, I don't resent her for it. She was drunk most of my childhood, so clearly she was just not thinking straight... Yeah, that's it.

When my father left for his crew is when she started getting bad, to the point where she would make me sleep outside and "forget" to feed me frequently. 

Thankfully, my friend Vivi and her father would tend to check on me, and I wouldn't be sleeping outside, and they took care of me a lot.

The only true memory I have other than her just generally being mean is when she pressured me into eating a devil fruit I stole. 

I ran away at 7 years old but only was willing to do so because Vivi offered me to stay with her. And ever since we have been very close. I don't use my devil fruit abilities because of her...

 I'm a pretty smart kid, actually. My father told me when I was 5 or 6 that my IQ was nearing an average adult IQ.

Speaking of smart, have 'ya ever heard of a jack-ass named "Croco", better known as the Warlord, Crocodile? Yea, he's an asshole. Long story short, he is trying to take over Alabasta and started an underground organization of bounty hunters called "Baroque Works".

Vivi couldn't just sit there and watch, so she begged me and her "Bodyguard", Igram to join her. 

After all, she basically saved me from my old life, I couldn't say no. 

So for the past 2 years, I have been "Ms. Good Friday '' and have been pretty high up on the supposed "Food Chain '', well high enough to tell Vivi that Mr.0 is Mr. Crocodila over here. I am Mr. 2's (or Bon Clay's, as he insisted) partner.

You're probably wondering, "(Y/N) How did you get so high up when you said you're not even strooong?!" Well, lemme answer that for 'ya. 3 reasons.

1. Croco trusted me.

2. Croco wanted me to be near him because of my IQ

3. After I met Bon, he BEGGED Croco to put us as partners (which, honestly, I wasn't against. He was a nice guy!)

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