Chapter 30 - Escape, (Y/N)! : TWICE?!

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(A/N) - Thanks for 1.4k views and 100 votes! ToT, I don't even know what to say <3)

"Straw hat and a skilled cook..."

I fiddled in my seat, inconveniently placed in the middle of the room.

"A swordsman and a long-nosed man..."

'Sniper.' I corrected him in my head.

"... A doctor and a nurse we've never seen before..."

'Oh, I bet it's Nami and Chopper! Smart idea disguising as medical workers. Masks to cover your face and aprons to cover your body.'

"...A woman whose role is unknown..." He glanced up at me


"...and one more..."

'Robin?! Did he figure her out?! He must have recognized her from her bounty.'

Jonathan slammed another piece on the board, "...who calls herself Major Shephard. That makes 8 people... Now it makes sense..."

He cupped his hand around two of the pawns, moving them off of the board, "We have the ship and 2 of the captured."

He grabbed the white queen and placed it standing on his palm, "And we have a third in the palm of our hands."

'That'd better not be me.'

"The rest are in my hands." He said, a dark tone compared to his childish normal one.

"So what will you do now, Monkey D. Luffy?" He smirked at the chessboard before him, "I'll just sit back and see what you can do." He lowly chuckled to himself, scaring me. He is still a good person, but Jesus Christ.

I have to find a way for him to leave the room for like 5 minutes, then I could escape, with the gold in hand.


This. Man. Won't. Leave.

He just sits here all day and stares at chess pieces. My plan may not be the smartest, but I need to go through with it to see my friends. I need to get a message to Luffy somehow. Or anyone on my team...


"Jonnnyyyyyy!" I started whining and slugging my way over to his desk. I draped myself near his chessboard, causing the pieces to jump, but not move from their mark.

He looked at me confused.

"Jonnnyyy~! I can't just sit here and do nothing! At least allow me to draw or something like that~!" I groaned, slinking off of his desk and letting out exaggerated sighs.

"Fine, fine, just be quiet!" He went to his desk and pulled out a pen and paper.

"Thank you very much!~" I squealed like a child. I lay on the ground near the door, kicking my feet and pretending to draw. 

There was a vent at my side. I could feel the AC on my arms, and it was slightly blowing my paper.

'I guarantee at least one Straw Hat is using the vents to move around.' I etched on the piece of paper, though a small piece. I had to keep most of it so it looked like I was actually drawing.

I wrote my note on the paper and sneakily sent it through the vent.

The problem with Jonathan is that with that smile he has, I can't read him. He could tell it was Robin, and I couldn't tell he knew. 

It made me mad to think that a mere Marine was smarter than me. I will not stoop to that level. I will prove I'm the best strategist for the future king of the pirates by escaping the inescapable base!

Oh Boy ~ [Female Reader x Various One piece]Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat