Chapter 11 - Really stuck : Sea stone?

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Chapter 11


I woke to the sound of something huge hitting the ground, I heard the voices of Luffy, Vivi, and Crocodile.

I tried to push myself up only to notice that I felt slightly weak and I was lying on handcuffed hands. 

'Must be the same stuff the cage is made of, Shit.' 

I turned to Crocodile's voice, but instead of him, I saw a huge Banana Gator. I shrieked and tried to wiggle away. I heard a grumbly laugh exit the room, so I knew Crocodile got away. Damn.

"(Y/N)!" Usopp, Nami, Luffy, and Vivi chimed, as I wiggled away, sobbing about how I hate water animals. It's a fear of mine. Don't judge me. The gator headed toward Vivi and me, as I was behind her. She scooped me up, though struggling, and started to run.

Vivi barely dodges and the Gator snapped at us, crumbling concrete in its jaw. I turned to Vivi and said, "Vivi, let me stand on my own!"


"'I'm serious! I can evade fine, but I don't want you to get hurt because I'm dragging you down!"

She nodded and we stared at the Gator in fighting positions, "Vivi! Who put the cuffs on me? If I get an opportunity, I may be able to get the key!" I asked as I tried to think of a way to defend myself.

"Miss All Sunday handcuffed you, but she gave Crocodile the key." She said, nervously looking at the Gator, not breaking eye contact. I was shocked when we had a snap from the Gator come our way. 

I and Vivi dodged, though different ways. I looked and saw Crocodile and Miss All Sunday walking through a glass hallway. I turned back and saw Vivi was hit by the tail of the monster.

"Vivi! Move!" I heard Luffy yell. I booked it over to where she was, only to see that the Gator looked the other way upon a familiar 'purapura purapura' As the gator looked away, I used my foot to prop up Vivi, flipped her over my shoulder, and ran. I just kept moving forward, not listening to the others. I just didn't want Vivi to die. She can't die.

"Hello? Hello?! Is this thing working" "Yes, you just have to talk into it!" I didn't recognize the second voice, but the first voice, I did. 

Sanji! I was so happy to hear his voice.

"Hello there. You've reached the Crap Cafe, may I take your order?"

After hearing that, I burst out laughing. I was in a laughing fit on the floor. Almost everyone was looking at me. Gosh, that was funny. I'd bet even Sanji heard me. I heard a faint snarl that was obviously Crocodile's. That's even better.

"The Crap Café" I heard Crocodile mumble, though barely, I was the farthest away. With Vivi on my shoulder, I went to the other side of the cage the others were in, to get a better listen.

"Does that ring a bell? It should, but in case it doesn't, maybe this will jog your memory..."

Much better.

"...Little Garden." Sanji's voice sounded stern. I could see Crocodile through a window and through the glass in the hallway they were in. He was blurry, but I saw him flinch, just slightly.

"We have four of the five Straw Hats inside that cell, based on what Mr. 2 showed us. The only one we don't have is that pet. Are there other members we don't know about?" He kind of said that to himself, but I'm sure Sanji heard. 

I heard mumbling from the cage and heard what sounded like a giant shuffling. I have to get somewhere safe... I heard the Gator go behind the cage, so I maneuvered to the front of the cage, getting the Straw Hat's attention.

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