Chapter 40 - Unwelcome - Taken

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Franky charged at them, "What the hell are you bastards doing here?!" he yelled.

I went closer to Usopp and grabbed his shoulder.

Franky aimed for Kalifa and right as he was about to hit, the man I've never seen blocked it and said 'Iron body.'

"Hm? You son of a bitch!" Franky wound up another punch and broke through the defenses of the mystery man. The mystery man seemed really shocked by this.

Franky grabbed his face, "Blueno! What's the meaning of..."

Now, they both were grabbing each other's faces.

"Huh? What's this? How cocky...!" Franky said as he puffed up his arm, causing Blueno's feet to leave the ground, "Who the hell do you think I am?! Who are you trying to pick a fight with?!"

"That's kinda cool..." I whispered to Usopp and he nodded, keeping his eyes on the sotuaton, mouth agape, same as mine.

Bluenos hands finally left Frankys face and was trying to pry off Frankys hand.

"You're only a dull bar owner!"

'Oh right, when I peeked into that bar, it was calle Blueno's bar.. It must have been his... then why are nice people turning on Franky?!'

Blueno wound up his finger and it charges at Franky, but before the finger could implant itself into Franky's face, Lucci stopped it faster than I could see him move.

"Don't, Blueno." Lucci scolded as he kicked Franky straight in the gut aND OHMYGODHE'SFLYINGRIGHTATUS!!!

Usopp and I squealed as we dodged, going oppisite ways. He went towards the Merry and I went toeards the middle of the room.

I felt out in the open and uncomfortable.

"H-Hey! A-Are you okay?!" I yelled at Franky.

"Hang in there!" Usopp yelled as he pulled out his sling-shot.

I rummaged through my bag to try and fing a weapon, but there was literally nothing but pencils, my notebook, my camera, a few bracelet decorations, my bandages and- holy shit, my pocket knife!

As I went to grab it, my bag suddenly left my hands and hit the wall oppisite the Merry. I instinctively backed up, narrowly avoiding a kick from Kalifa. She pushed up her glasses as she walked over and grabbed my backpack. She walked back to the rest of her group and kept it with her.

"Wh-Wh-What's gping on?!" Usopp yelled at the group, "Hey!" He turned to me, "I thought I saw them working at the shipyard!"

"Don't ask me! I saw what you saw!!" I screeched back.

Franky got up, "What the hell? Why was he able to... You bastards! What are you people?! You sure are acting pretty super, aren't you?! How dare you hurt innocent girls?! They're like my sisters, you jerks!"

He continued, "To start with, how the hell did you know about this place? This is my secret base!"

"We don't care about that," Lucci responded coldly, "I'll keep this simple, listen carefully.

Our lives in this town were a cover. In reality, we are the World Government Intelligence agents."

I heard Franky gasp and I tightened my fists.

"You must know what that means." Lucci added, referring to Franky, "As well as the reason we came here. Franky... we already know everything... Cutty Flam..."

"Cutty Flam?" I questioned to myself.

"Tom's other disciple, who was said to have dies 8 years ago... That's you."

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