•~Chapter 1-Whose to say?

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I'm just looking through this and it's kind of like a second prologue so there's a warning for that I guess!

Also I now have to go through and change every time I call the school Kamiya to Kamiyama because I can't read.

NC/N=Nightcord Name
(Example: Something #1234)

(Example: Enanan, K, Yuki, Amia)

YT/N=YouTube Name
(Example:  KK_exe)

(Y/N)'s POV

I would always use UTAU to write and compose songs. I got quite popular on the internet for it. I had even made my own UTAU.

I was obsessed with the program but little did I know, it would lead me to my friend, who I hadn't spoken to in years...
16 Years Old

It was 24:57. Almost 1am. I was at home, on my computer, working on a song. For this one, I was going to use my own UTAU. Kokoro Rizumu, meaning 'Rythm of a heart'. I had almost finished up the main melody before I decided to take a break.

I stretched in my chair and went to the kitchen. I made myself a drink and grabbed some chips from the cabinet. My parents were at work all night so I had the house to myself.

I swiftly walked up the stairs and sat back at my laptop. I saw a notification in the bottom right corner of my screen...from Nightcord?

'Incoming Friend Request-K #2500'

"Hm." I said aloud. I logged onto Nightcord and looked at the persons profile. There wasn't much to go on. But I looked at the 'About Me' section of their profile.

'I want to make people happy with my music'

That was all it said. I was intrigued. I accepted the friend request and sent the person a message.

(NC/N) today at 25:01
'Who are you?'

K today at 25:01
'I'm K.'
'Who are you?'

(NC/N) today at 25:02
'I'm (AL). Why did u add me?'

K today at 25:03
'I've heard your music. Your quite talented.'

(NC/N) today at 25:03

K today at 25:04
'Do you want to join a band I'm starting?'

(NC/N) today at 25:05
'A band? Can you explain?

K today at 25:07
'An internet band. You, me and 3 other people I've already found. We would work on voice call at 25:00 and post music on the internet.
In your case, you would most likely be a composer with another girl in the band.'

(NC/N) today at 25:08
'What's the name of the band? And who else is in it?'

K today at 25:10
'The name is Nightcord at 25:00. N25 for short. The other members are Amia, Yuki and Enanan.'
'Are you in?'

(NC/N) today at 25:10
'Okay. I'm in.'

K today at 25:11
You have been invited to...
Nightcord At 25:00

(NC/N) today at 25:12
'I'll join now :)'

K today at 25:12
'Thank you.'

Our conversation died down after that. After joining the server, the first thing I saw was the 'general' channel. There seemed to be a bit of a debate going on between 2 girls, Enanan and Amia.

I didn't want to get involved so I just watched the debate play out...until they noticed I had joined that chat. They didn't send any messages...for about 7 seconds. Then they were rapidly messaging K for an explanation.

K today at 25:20
'They're a new member. (AL). Just calm down.'

Enanan today at 25:21
'And you didn't tell us??'

K today at 25:21
'I didn't know if they were going to say yes or no'

Amia today at 25:22
'Yeah but you should still warn us!!'

Yuki today at 25:24
'But if K told you then you and Enanan would get your hopes up, Amia. And if they said no you wouldn't be very pleased'

Enanan today at 25:25
'Yeah you'd get your hopes up, Amia!!'

Amia today at 25:25
'Hey she said you too Enanan!'

Enanan today at 25:26
'Yeah whatever!'
'Sooooo anyway New Person who are you??

I knew this girl was referring to me so I had to respond.

(NC/N) today at 25:27
'Hey there. I'm (AL)'

Yuki today at 25:27
'Do you mean (AL) as in like (YT/N)?'

(NC/N) today at 25:28
'How'd you know?'

Yuki today at 25:29
'I've seen a lot if your work on youtube. You're very talented.'

(NC/N) today at 25:29
'Thank you :)'

Enanan today at 25:30
'Yeah I think I've heard of you before. My friend Airi told me I think.'

Amia today at 25:31
'I think I might've heard of you before but idk'

K today at 25:32
'Anyway they're a new member. Try not to overwhelm them with your arguments about Instagram.'

Amia today at 25:32
'Yeah yeah whatever K'

Enanan today at 25:33
'But they've gotta get used to it'
'Anyway I'm gonna go. I'm going bed. I guess I'll talk to you guys tomorrow'

Enanan has left the chat

Yuki today at 25:34
'Tomorrow it is. I'm going to bed too.' 'Goodnight.'

Yuki has left the chat

Amia today at 25:34
'Guess I've gotta go to. I'm starting high school tomorrow and I need at least few hours of sleep'

(NC/N) today at 25:35
'I start my second year at high school tomorrow.'
'Trust me. Your first year isn't all hell.'

Amia today at 25:36
'Yeah we'll see about that lol'
'I'll talk to you guys tomorrow'

(NC/N) today at 25:37
'Goodnight Amia!!'

Amia has left the chat

K today at 25:28
'So..are you up for this?'
'I mean, are you okay with doing this every night?'

(NC/N) today at 25:28
'Oh yeah I'm totally up for it!'
'Those girls seem nice!'

K today at 25:29
'That's nice to hear.'
'I'll talk to you tomorrow (AL)'

(NC/N) today at 25:30

K has left the chat

I left the chat shortly after and decided that..I needed a bit of sleep. I wasn't lying to Amia about starting my second year at high school tomorrow. I was. Second year at Kamiyama High School. Oh God what a treat.

But I mean, It's nice to know that I can cone back from that hell and talk to N25. I think this year will be good.


Whose to say?

•~Night Classes-Ena Shinonome x Reader~•Where stories live. Discover now