~•Chapter 12-The Three•~

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This follows N25's main story but in my super special and not at all cringe way.

Well actually this is just a chapter with mainly you, Ena (❤️) and Akito. Hey, it might be short but my excuse is that I'm recovering from severe writer's block and some form of ed so there's that. (I'm ok now.)

Anyway love you and have fun!

(NC/N) =Nightcord Name
Example: Someone #1234

Example: K, Enanan, Amia, Yuki

For any vc parts:
Amia- Just Bold
Enanan- Bold Italic
Yuki- Bold Italic Underlined
Kanade- Bold Underlined
You- Just underlined



It's been some time since the time with Mizuki (chapter 9 if you forgot) and they seemed to be doing better now. But someone else wasn't.

My amazing childhood friend, Akito, told me that Ena, his sister and great friend of mine, had a sort of breakdown recently. I got worried but tried to hide it. She didn't know that he told me.

I suggested that we all go to get pancakes together, since that seems to be the only thing Ena and Akito don't have fist fights over.

I got there early which normally meant one of several things.

•Ena couldn't decide on an outfit
•They we're arguing
•Their dad was involved
•Akito was being a difficult homo—straight boy again

But it could be anything, knowing those two. While I was thinking of other reasons as to why they were late, I heard a familiar voice.
(How many times have I said that in this story?)

"Heyyyy!!! (N/N)!!!!!" I turn to my left to see the two siblings. I wandered over to them and immediately, Ena hugged me, very tightly.

"Haha, hi, Ena!" I said, laughing. I heard a scoff from Akito. I pulled away from Ena and looked at him.

"Oh, come on! Don't act like you don't love me, just because we're in public." I pouted, childishly. I swear I could hear him chuckle.

"I'm only here for pancakes, you said you're paying for it." He put his hands up, defensively. Me and Ena laughed and went into the place.
(What do you call it?)

We sat at our table, me and Ena on one side and Akito on the other. A lot of our time was spent just talking about all the things we missed. Well mostly just me and Ena with Akito occasionally glancing over at us and sometimes laughing with us.

When we got our pancakes, Akito started to speak up a bit more. Food always helps. He seemed like he was thinking of a topic to talk about.

"So...how's the love life...or whatever?" Me and Ena looked at each other, giggled, and then I answered.

"To be straight, non existent."  I heard Akito scoff.
"Straight..." I put a hand to my chest in an over-dramatic way.
"You can't really say much, Lil Brosef." Ena said, not looking at any of us.
"Will you stop calling me that?"

Wait, isn't that what Mizuki calls him?

Then the two started arguing again. I sighed and tried to fix the situation.

"Hey, hey, hey! This is supposed be 'a fun reuniting of the three'." I said, unsure of whether I was helping or not.

They both settled a bit, still cursing each other under their breath. I giggled and we continued eating.

When we left the food place (it's now called the food place) we went to a few different stores. Well me and Ena just dragged Akito around. We went to a clothes store that I hadn't been in before.

"How have you not been there?" I heard Ena ask, a bit over dramatically.
"I don't know!" I asked, putting my hands up in defence.
"Let's just go there and get this over with." Akito said, clearly irritated by us.

We went in and it was a lot better than I expected. It had all of the clothes that I loved. It was amazing. And it got even better. Me and Ena had picked out some stuff and we went to pay. I heard Ena mumble to herself.

"are they working today..?"

I didn't ask who she was referring to but I found out when we went to the cashier. The one and only, Mizuki Akiyama, themself.

"Mizuki!" Ena called out. They looked up, saw us and waved back, very excited to see us.

We went over and Mizuki immediately jumped onto both of us. We never asked how Ena knew Mizuki, how I knew Mizuki etc. We all just got along perfectly. Akito just followed behind us, groaning in frustration.

Mizuki left their shift early. We all wandered around, like we were doing before. It wasn't any different than what I was doing with Ena, just with the addition of Mizuki.

After a while, Mizuki had to leave and me, Ena and Akito decided to leave too. Well Akito decided against his will. I walked with them back to their house.

After Akito had gone inside, Ena stayed back to talk to me.

"Hey, um, how do you know Mizuki?" She asked. I forgot that Ena didn't come to school with us.

"Oh! They go to my school." She nodded and pulled out her phone.

"I was meaning to ask you..." She trailed off as she searched through her phone for something. Then she lifted it to my face revealing...my Nightcord page?

"Is this...you, maybe?" I didn't say anything, just stared at the screen. I nodded, not able to speak in that moment. Ena's eyes lit up.

"I knew I recognised your voice!" I was confused. What does that mean?

"Oh! By the way, I'm Enanan. From N25?" It all made sense. Well it made sense for a while but I had never brought it up.

I started to laugh. And so did Ena.

"Ena! Get inside already." We heard Akito say from the door. Ena quickly hugged me before entering her home.

I went home that evening very happy.

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