•~Chapter 6-Some Time Later~•

391 15 5

Edit: 24/11/22
It said N26. It must be changed.

(NC/N) =Nightcord Name
Example: Someone #1234

Example: K, Enanan, Amia, Yuki

For the VC part:
Amia- Just Bold
Enanan- Bold Italic
Yuki- Bold Italic Underlined
Kanade- Bold Underlined
You- Just underlined

- Some Time Later -

I was sitting at my computer, staring at the nightcord group chat, spacing out. A lot has happened since we all got together.

•There was a number of new songs
•Mizuki came to school less days

Well...that was really it, if I'm honest. Snapping out of my trance, I went to the comments of the new song that we uploaded earlier today. Nothing different. I googled 'Nightcord At 25:00' to see if anything was happening. I found a forum on a website for music groups.

<Hey, anyone here who's heard of N25's new song?>

<N25? The heck's that?>

<They're a music circle. You haven't heard of them? They're pretty popular in the J-Pop community rn>
<They make everything themselves. The music to the MV's>
<How should I say it?>
<They're really amazing, just go listen to one of their songs. Here's a link>

Imagine that this is a 2DMV. And that Miku is you.

<They're that good?>
<Well I've got some spare time so I'll give them a listen>

I smiled to myself. We're gaining some more fans. It's surprising how just 4 loner girls made this amazing music group together.
I kept reading

<What the hell that was way too good>

<Right?! It's like their songs stab right into you, gouging our everything inside>

<It's almost scary, kinda>

Scary..? Is our music really like that? I just kept reading to see if they said anything bad. If they did, we had Mizuki to do their lovely doxxing.

<The guys who made this...N25?>
<What kind of people are they like?>

<About that...no one really knows.>
<It seems like it's just a group of 4>
<But they've got a good ambiguous aspect to them>

<Guess I'll listen to a few more songs>
<Aside that, N25's a bit of a weird name>

<Oh that's just what everyone calls them.>
<The group's real name is—>

I stopped reading the forum before finishing the comment. The forum ended after that.

I joined the vc after checking the time.

MI- "Heyyyy, (AL) is here~"

EN- "Hiii!!"

"Hey, guys!!"

MA- "Hello, (AL)"

KA- "Hi.."

"So how's everything going?"

MI- "Oh! K, I finished a draft for the MV. I'll toss you the file, now."

"Okay, I'll take a look."

EN- "I'm working on the thumbna—Ah! I've just had a good idea.."

KA- "I've just finished a draft for the new song, Yuki can you listen to it?"

MA- "Yeah I'll do that now"

MI- "It's great to have Nightcord when we're doing this."

EN- "Yeah it is! God, it's so bright outside. It's already evening!"

MI- "Maybe that's just because of your oversleeping"

EN- "Hey! That's not true. not for today at least..

MA- "It seems like day is night and night is day for you, Enanan."

MI- "Don't you have to go to Night Classes Enanan~"

EN- "Oh, crap! I gotta go, I'll log back in when I get back! Bye!!"

"Bye, Enanan!!"

MA- "So should we get on with the usual?"

KA- "Yeah. See you at the sun goes down."

"On Nightcord At 25:00"

I'm moving onto the main N25 Story now with some extra bits sprinkled in. It might take a while but just be patient with me, I just got out of a relationship.

Love ya!

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