•~Chapter 10-The Savior One~•

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This follows N25's main story but in my super special and not at all cringe way.

Kanade's turn for an edgy chapter!! I have not planned this at all.

(NC/N) =Nightcord Name
Example: Someone #1234

Example: K, Enanan, Amia, Yuki

For any vc parts:
Amia- Just Bold
Enanan- Bold Italic
Yuki- Bold Italic Underlined
Kanade- Bold Underlined
You- Just underlined


Kanade's POV

"That's not right...neither is that..." I was struggling on our newest song. We had lyrics and part of the vocals ready but...it was just this instrumental. I wanted to give up and go to sleep, but I couldn't. This had to get done.

Ring Ring...

"Ah...my phone..." I took my phone from the only clear side of my desk. The rest is covered by music sheets, some torn to shreds. I answered the call.


The hospital is calling again...

"Ok, I understand. I'll bring them with me when I come by. And...about my father's condition..."

I wanted to ask so many things. 'Is he okay?' 'Is he awake right now?' But I couldn't. 

"Oh...alright. Thank you very much. Goodbye."

I should probably go visit Dad again. It's been a while.




A notification on the latest song.

<This song draws me in so much that it scares me.>

<It's dark, but somehow soothing.>

<I think I'll be able to sleep again tonight, thanks to this song.>

I'm glad. Even if we could save just one person with our songs, if they can...hold someone close...


I was sat at my computer, a music file playing on the screen, my dad stood behind my chair, listening. Once the song finished, I looked up at him, slightly smiling.

"Kanade, keep... making your music, far into the future...you have a gift..."

-End Of Flashback-

...Dad...I will keep making songs...songs that will save someone...

My screen started glowing, a bright blue colour. A figure appeared on screen.

A girl with...white pigtails, held up by ribbons. A white dress, red bow (And whatever those belt looking things are called).


What is this? A video? A video with nothing playing?



"Kana...de. Please...come quickly."

It disappeared and my screen went back to how it was before. Just now...what was that? How did they know my name? And what does 'come quickly' mean?

So many questions with so little answers.


I walked to the hospital ward my dad was in. I went to the nurse I saw usually with my dad.

•~Night Classes-Ena Shinonome x Reader~•Where stories live. Discover now