Chapter 1

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Cale looked around and sigh, his body hurts after that black haired guy beat him mercilessly. He looked around and sigh once again, he was about to call for Ron when he suddenly remembered that his father figure left him for that guy that beat him.

Cale looked around and put on his clothes, he looked outside and aw its still dark, Cale got out of his room and sneaked out of his house walking near the slums of the city.

'It's dark and quite dirty here'

Cale thought not wanting the others to know he sneaked out began to go back when he saw three eggs covered in dirt so he unconciously picked them up...

'Why are there three huge eggs in here in the slums?'

Cale thought and began to hold up all the eggs in his arms and walk towards the Henitsu Household not knowing someone smiling behind a rooftop watching him and her eggs..

"Take care of my eggs, Cale Henitsu"

The figure disappeared and Cale cn be seen washing the eggs cleanly and gently and putting them somewhere soft.

"So.. what am I even supposed to do now?"

Cale asked himself and touched one of the eggs gently and finding somewhere to hide them away from the servants eyes and hands.

"This can work"

Cale looked at the torn soft carpet that he put  in three different places in his room and began touching the eggs

"Did you three got abandoned or got taken away from your nest?"

Cale asked the eggs and he can feel one of the eggs heat up and wiggle a bit. Cale made an 'oh' sound and began tucking the eggs in his bed next to him and watching them fondly.

'These eggs looks like they got abandoned.. Its not bad if I raised them and take care them myself right?'

Cale asked himself and began gently rubbing all the eggs and covered them.

~6 hours later~

"Young Master?"

Hans called Cale and Cale woke up and looked beside him and began to hide the eggs in different places and got to the bed like nothing happened.

"What is it?"

Cale looked at Hans looking angry and grumpy, Hans swallows his saliva unconciously and looked at Cale.

"The Count said to join them for breakfast"

Hans said and Cale looked- glared at him 

"Tell them I said no and give me my food in my bedroom"

Cale said and Hans nodded walking fast out of his room to the dinner room. Cale released a sigh and looked at the eggs in where he hid them all and goes to his bathroom to clean the dirt he made yesterday. Cale looked at the eggs lovingly and looked at where he put his mothers picttures in..

'Is this a gift from you mother?... Did you want me to have people I around me so I wont be alone anymore?'

Cale thought and went to do his daily routines..

In these past weeks Cale took care of the eggs digilently and gently like a father taking care of his children, there are a few things Cale noticed the eggs became abnormally huge and their different colors became more clearer red, white and golden. Cale thought on what are in the eggs and he doesnt want what conclusion he came into.. Dragons, but Cale thought its impossible right?

Cale read all the things about Dragons the past months even going to his father and mother and asking every single thing they know about Dragons.


Cale's life of a father of unique children [SLOW UPDATE]Where stories live. Discover now