Chapter 8

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Basen looked at his brother who have danced with over 20 women, the entire event, and his little sister and nephews and niece who are enjoying themselves with the other commoner and noble kids.

"Don't you think the young master looked more mature?"


Basen looked at the girls talking near him.

"He looks like a proper noble now"

"He also looked more handsome with his muscles"

The girl who said that looked at Cale up and down looking at the muscles that make the button's on his chest look like they are about to give up.

"I want to send a marriage proposal.."

"Hey! me first!"

"Me first! I am richer than you"

"Uh-huh! At least I look more pretty and have a larger bust"

Basen looked away from the girls and walked farther from them not wanting to hear them talking about sending marriage proposals to his brother. 

"Hey, do you think the count will give back the heir position to Cale?"

Basen froze and looked in the direction of some of his cousins from his father's side.

"Maybe if that trash proves himself more"

"Well, he is the oldest and rightful heir! Basen is just a son of a commoner, w doesn't even know his father"

"He might as well be a criminal secret son"

Basen clenched his fist and teeth and was ready to talk to those people when he heard a gasp


Basen turned around and saw his brother taking his mother's hand and dancing with perfection.

His mother and brother are dancing perfectly with smoke and light focusing on them with Cale's hair being highlighted with all the colors focusing on the both of them.


Violan and Cale looked at Base and smiled at him making Basen confused. Did they intentionally make a performance so the talk of others about him will stop?

Violan and cale continued dancing with Deruth slowly throwing petals and glitters on them because Violan told him to do.

On and Hong in their human form looked at their dance in fascination.

Cale and Violan looked so beautiful right now. 

Violan has made the maids put new makeup on her and a new dress that matched Cale when she started hearing people whispering bad about Basen and Cale goes along with his mother who has a better plan than just smashing a bottle in their relative's head.

Cale looked at his mother who is smiling at him gently like a real mother looking at her son.


*Knock Knock*

"Come in"

Violan looked at Cale who opened the door and looked away from hr and Violan puts down her book.

"What is it, Cale?"

Violan asked and Cale looked around for a few seconds and looked at her.

"I.... sor..."

Cale said and Violan looked at Cale.

"What is it that you want to say, Cale?"

Violan said and Cale looked at her with enough courage

"I'm sorry..."

Cale said and Violan looked at him

"For what is it, Cale? Why are you saying sorry"

Violan said and Cale slowly went closer to her kneeling next to her looking down and up and looked down as again

"I'm sorry for causing so many problems...Sorry for ignoring you, Basen, Lily, and father..."

Cale said and Violan caressed Cale's hair and Cale bites his lips trying not to cry...

'It's been a long time since... since someone caressed my hair like this...'

Cale thought and violan looked at him.

"It's not your fault Cale, I chose to fix and solve all the chaos you started and clean it up okay?"

Violan said and Cale bite his lips even more and Violan looked at him in worry...

"Cale... I know it's been so many years already but please open up to me... You are my son, you might not be my son in blood but... You are my son Cale..."

Cale looked down and tears started to pour down his eyes as he sniffed and hugged Violan she patted Cale on the back while Cale cried in her arms, his mother's arms.

Cale looked at Violan and started telling her all he wanted to tell anyone, just anyone.

Violan listened to his every single word letting everything sink in as she listened to this poor young boy's story.

Violan pat Cale's head after he finished his story and now currently sleeping on her lap.

Violan looked at Deruth who just come back to their room after a day of paperwork.

Deruth looked at his son sleeping on his wife's lap.

"What is Cale-?"

"Run 50 laps outside and do 100 push-ups and run again while giving all the people in the slums food then come back here and clean your office and we'll talk"

Violan said while patting Cale's head while Deruth looked at his wife in disbelief and immediately run when he saw his wife's glare. 

Deruth Henituse the Count of the Henituse the Golden Turtle was seen all around the town feeding poor people and training all day without a break and goes back to the manor just to come back and help the people of the territory to clean their houses and streets and fainting after 2 days of hard work according to the witness

Flashback ends~

Deruth looked at his family fondly and tired remembering the hell he has to suffer these past days and the 'We're not finished' from his beloved but demonically scary wife Violan Henituse.

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