2. Letter For A Priest

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"I don't understand you... I never did. How could one man bring so much hate into this world? How could a father hate his son so much? Im not going to apologize for anything. I have nothing tk apologize for and even if I did, you wouldn't deserve it. Fuck, you don't even deserve this letter...  but I want to have the last words.

You are just a greedy fucking cultist, a cult leader at that... how evil must you be to disguise whatever you put me through as Christianity? Forcing me into a cult as well.

Well, nothing you can do now huh, I'm fucking dead now.

May the red eyed demon haunt you for eternity.

-Travis P"

I put my notebook back under my pillow, I fiddled with the necklace around my neck. Ripping it off from the anger.

Stupid fucking cult.

All I have to do is make everyone happy

Then I can finally get my happy ending.



most of the chapter that are the notes will be short

BUT, The other chapters will be pretty long, so dw, the story isn't only notes.

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