6. Death

616 13 33

TW: suicide mention, cult mentions, abuse, paranormal shit.
{Travis' pov}

5 minutes.

I stared at the clock on the wall. This was my last class of the day. Coincidentally, my longest class. Oh and did I mention, I also have this class with Larry. And just like my first hour, I sit next to him. This time I payed attention though. I ignored the nervousness from what I had told Larry earlier. The cult would know I spilled. I might not be the one to kill me.

"It's not exactly a cult"

I'm not sure how but they almost always know what I'm doing. It's like they have eyes everywhere. No.

They do have eyes everywhere.

Everywhere you look you can find a member of the cult. Like Mrs packerton (is that her name??)

Mrs packerton had been dead though.

But just because she's dead doesn't mean I'm safe. In fact, the very class I'm in right now, I could point out atleast 4 cult members, including the teacher. And I definitely wasn't safe at home. My dads the fucking leader for fucks sake.

I sighed, resting my head on my hand.

I didn't want to be killed by those disgusting freaks. I needed to be killed by my own hands. It was what was right.

Not by the red eyed demon. Not by my father. Not by a cultist. And not by _____.

There's so many ways I could do it too.

Hanging. Blood loss. Overdose. Falling. Strangulation. Sickness. Drowning. Poison. Death penalty. Slitting my throat. Starvation. Head trauma. Shooting myself. Stabbing myself. Car accident. Getting hit by a car. Getting hit by a train. Some type of gas. Dehydration. Electrocution. Burning. Animal attack. Hypothermia. Radiation.

And many many more...

I felt myself start to zone out. My eyesight grew a façade around the rims producing a dimming effect. Fuck this.

I began to get lost in my mind. I started hearing voices. Whispers to be exacts

Kill yourself. Kill yourself. Kill yourself. Kill yourself. Kill yourself.Kill yourself. Kill yourself. Kill yourself.Kill yourself. Kill yourself. Kill yourself.Kill yourself. Kill yourself. Kill yourself. Kill yourself. Kill yourself. Kill yourself. Kill yourself. Kill yourself. Kill yourself. Kill yourself. Kill yourself. Kill yourself. Kill yourself. Kill yourself. Kill yourself. Kill yourself. Kill yourself. Kill yourself. Kill yourself. Kill yourself. Kill yourself. Kill yourself. Kill yourself. Kill yourself. Kill yourself. Kill yourself. Kill yourself. Kill yourself. Kill yourself. Kill yourself. Kill yourself.

I was pulled out of the agonizing sounds by a nudge. I looked to the cause of the touch, quite relieved by the silence. And of course it was the only person next to me. Larry.

I hummed as a response.
"Let's hang out after school."

I thought for a minute, just staring at the other. Why does he even want to hang out with me? We are supposed to hate eachother. He probably just wants to beat the shit out of me. Or maybe he wants to bombarde me with more questions because he thinks he's worried about me. But I know he's not . He can't be. Nobody can care about me. They only need to know that I had a change of heart and then find out why once I die. Then they can feel pity. Nobody is supposed to feel pity for me while I'm alive. And I might have ruined that by almost suggesting things about the so called church.

I've already said too much, who knows what could happen if I accidentally spill more.

But then again...

My father wouldn't be home so he wouldn't know. It's not like I could get a punishment for something he doesn't know about. Right?

Plus. I need to make things right with him and sal before I go.

I want everyone to be happy.


"Yeah sure I guess"

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