11. Dont listen

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"If death was able to be avoided I would have died so many times by now. The fear of not being able to wake up is what has kept me alive. I tell myself I just want to wait. But what am I waiting for. Forgiveness? I don't deserve what I think I deserve." -T

"What's the point? I have good friends, I have a good mom, I have a good life in a way. But that's not enough. Nothing is ever enough for me. I don't know what's wrong with me. I spend time worrying about things I shouldn't. I hate this. I hate life. I hate everything." -L

The two sat next to eachother in silence. Larry was on the verge of sleep. Heaviness weighed on his body, the only thing he could process was the occasional chatter behind him. Being here was useless. The teacher wasn't talking or anything. Larry closed his eyes. He imagined a place where his worries would just melt away. Everything was so calm. He could feel himself drifting away. Drifting away into a place where it was only him and nobody else. Nobody to to tell him what he can and can't do.

"Yes Mr. Phelps?" Larry was pulled out of his peaceful trance by the teachers nasally voice. He grunted, he was very annoyed. "Can I go to the bathroom?" He heard the boy next to him ask. He stared intensely at the blonde boy. He studied his face very cautiously. He watched as the boy left the classroom. He felt a tinge of sadness when he realized his scent was gone.

He looked back to his desk. Face planting into his paper with no words on it. He groaned as he knew it would be a long day.

He seemed to immediately doze off.

A loud sound interrupted his dreamless sleep. He lifted his head up, slowly becoming conscious. He groaned, he assumed class was over. He looked over, about to open his mouth to speak to Travis. But low and behold, nobody was there. He must've already left. He sighed. He checked the clock. 3:57. He smiled, he had been waiting for what seemed like days, months, years. Even though it had only been less than a day. He walked out of the classroom, looking for Sal. But Sal was no where to be found. Where were the two people he wanted to see the most?

He kept a walking. He was kind of sad but it doesn't matter too much. He was focused more on the fact his friends, if he can call Travis that, were gone. He heard some talking up ahead and immediately recognized the voices. He stopped in his tracks and hid behind the wall. He knew it was wrong to eavesdrop but he was curious.

He soon knew why eavesdropping was wrong.

Oh it was so wrong.

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