8. Spy

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NOT EDITED. Please keep in mind English isn't my first language <3

I stared out my window. It had been about 5 minutes since I had gotten dropped off and Larry was still there. He couldn't be that stupid right?

I sighed and pulled away from my window. I walked over to my bed and sat in it. I lay back, I'm not sure why he's there but I know it's because he's getting suspicious. I just have to get the guy off my fucking ass. If Larry figures it out then he might tell my dad not knowing what the consequences would be. Well, I would probably get killed and eaten, so at least I'd be dead. But I don't wanna die by his hands. Which is why I don't want him to know. I can't die by my fathers hands. I sighed, breathing slowly trying to calm my nerves. It wouldn't work. Not with Larry there.

I emptied my pockets, looking for what I needed. Something to ease my stress. I felt paper in my hoodie pocket, curious, I pulled it out. Oh. Its the paper that had sals name written on it. I'm not sure if I should read it now. It could have pretty much anything written on it. I reached over to my nightstand drawer. On the inside there were very few things. Just a bible and a lighter. I stuck it in there without much thought. Out of habit, I slowly closed it, not wanting to make a sound. A stupid note was the least of my worries. I couldn't find that box cutter. I'm pretty sure I had it with me. I looked out the window. Motherfucker.

We pulled into my drive way. I was about to get out when Larry grabbed my arm. I looked back to him,

"please stay safe"

Damn he's good... I can't even get mad at him for taking it because it raises suspicion.

I sighed. I slowly got off my bed. I'm not sure what I was doing. Even though nobody was home, I still walked as to not make any sound.

I walked down the stairs and looked to the door I was never allowed to go through. Fuck it. If this is the only way k can clear my head than i have to do it. I walked in.

My fathers room had another room connected to it. It was his study. I didn't need to go in there, who knows what would happen if he found out about that. I quickly walked over to his nightstand, looking through every drawer. That's when I found it. His pocket knife. I grabbed it, I made sure everything stayed how it was supposed to. I walked passed the study. I stopped. I looked into the room. How would he know if I just went In there? I slowly walked, maybe if I just looked around a little he wouldn't notice. I was almost to the door. "TRAVIS!"

I snapped out of my trance. My fathers home... but why is he back so early? He just left? I ran out of his room. I made sure I didn't leave anything.


My father stood there at the doorway. He stared back at me.

"What do you think you are doing?"

I'm gonna get it now.

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