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Blake POV

For the past weeks, it feels like I've been through hell. The feeling of being cheated was the worst thing in the world.

When my mother showed the pictures to me. I blindly did not believe it. But to prove that it's wrong I went to a Photoshop expert just to make sure. But he said that the pictures are all true and not fabricated.

My world completely shattered when he delivered the news to me. I've been in denial for how many days ever since my mom showed me the photos. As reality sinks in to me. I gradually withdrew myself to my wife.

I come home late at night and usually spend my time having fun with different girls. I know it's lame of me to do but I had to forget how painful the betrayal she made.

Days passed, I still can't confront her. I thought if I just avoided her I would withstand the pain and might fade away. But one night when she waited for me to come home. All my unnecessary thoughts came to nothing as I confronted her.

She even had the guts to admit it to my face. The nerves of her. When I said that my world shattered into pieces when I learned about the photos, it's even more hurtful now when she admits it in front of me.

Because of the hurt I felt, of course I took revenge on her. I told her that I have different women warming my bed. That I don't need a slut or a whore wife anymore. I could see the pain in her eyes when I told her that. It breaks my heart so much. But it's hurting me so badly that I want to shout everything to her.

I packed my clothes and decided to leave the house. It would be more hurtful if I stayed a little longer. I will be saying hurtful things to her and when I see hurt and pain in her eyes, it will reflect on me two times more hurtful.

After that I don't know how I managed to run my life cause I know it will not be normal anymore. The fact that I am missing her touch, her kisses and the way she lovingly call me, it's fucking painful.

Every night I dream of her. I can't count how many times I tempted myself to go back to our house and tell her I love her and I miss her so bad.

But my ego stopped me from doing it. So instead I went to different bars, more precisely strip clubs where every night I have fun with different girls. I know it's wrong since I am still married to her. So I decided to annul our marriage for good.

I contacted my lawyer to set a meeting for the both of us, meaning I want to meet her and give her my conditions because I won't allow her to enjoy my money that I earned from my hard work.

Yes I was borned silver platter since my parents are well known businessmen. I grew up being given everything I wanted and needed without me asking. My parents can provide more than I asked from them. Yes it's fortunate but when I grew up I learned things in my ways.

I promise myself that I will depend on my parents wealth or connection. I will establish my own name through my hard work. That's the mindset I had when I was in college then I worked hard to be drafted as a professional football player.

Those days she witnessed how I climbed those obstacles and problems that arising each time I took a step. But it didn't matter to me since she's there with me throughout the process.

After I drafted I bought us a house where we could start our family. But she said that she can't since she still wants to pursue her dreams to become a teacher. I understand her because I love her and I want to be there for her too.

But then my parents are against our relationship. They said that I should not go with a girl who doesn't have any background. They expected me to end up with a girl with the same status that I have which I am against.

For me, no matter what the girl's status is, even if she comes from the poorest of the poorest families I won't care. As long as she will love with all her heart I am willing to fight and prove to my parents that we can chase everything away. We can grow together and be together till we grow old.

"Hey Frost, how are you?" Evan, my teammates who I am close with.

I confided in him about my problem since I have been slacking lately with practice and even our game play.

I just shrugged in response to him. Who took a sit next to me and patted my shoulder.

"I think you should talk to her first about it!"

"I asked her, Thompson, she blatantly admitted it in front of my face!" I said as I wiped the sweat off my face.

Here in our team we called each other by their last name. It's like a natural thing to do with us.

"Bro, did you ask her why? I mean, she and that guy? Maybe those pictures don't mean what we are thinking? What if we are wrong?" He said to me and I frowned.

"I don't know! But I left the house and I already packed my clothes. I don't want to go back there anymore. It will be more painful if I stay there longer!" I said to him,

"I might not know how hurtful it is. But I want you to know that me and Althea are here! Don't bottle this thing on your own. And please don't do something irrational,you might end up regretting it. Think first then do what's best!" He said to me before he walked away leaving me thinking of what he said.

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