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Blake POV

"I swear I am going to kill that bastard!" I said as I fisted my palm tightly.

"Don't worry Honey, your Dad is doing his Best!"

"I know Mom, but I can't help feeling uneasy when you know your daughter is out there with some stranger!"

"Still haven't received any calls yet?" My mom said on the other line.

"No! It would be better if that fucker called and demanded a ransom. I don't care how much as long as I can get my daughter back!"

"Who would do something like this? If this is not kidnapped for ransom then who?" She said,

"I don't know, but I have a bad feeling about this!"

"What do you mean?"

"I have investigated that guy Fronton!"

"You mean that guy who asks for Lila's hand for marriage?"

"Yes! When I asked Lila about it, she said that the Fronton guy has been obsessed with her since high school. I mean , who in their right mind would do something like requesting to marry? The fuck? I did not nor try to hide my identity as Amari's father. And I intended to marry Lila again. I was vocally expressing that to her family. I don't care if they have these rules about who to marry. Bullshit! I have enough to sustain my family needs and wants. I can give them anything and everything. No one can stop me from getting what's mine!"

"Oh, don't worry Son, you may not come from royalty. I bet those people know you have the same money and power as them! Urg! I was excited to see my granddaughter!"

"I know Mom, I've been convincing Lila to come visit New York just for vacation. But she's beit hesitant!"

"I do understand her honey. New York doesn't have good memories of her. Especially that we don't have a good relationship with her. I feel like an idiot! But I plan on asking forgiveness from her. She is such a good woman to you!"

"Thanks Ma!!" Then my other phone buzzed and I automatically told my mom that I needed to hang up.



"Any news?"

"Yes sir! We found something that might link to the guy Fronton!"

"What is it?"

My investigator told me that Fronton secretly purchased a house in the middle of the forest a week ago. The van that has been on the CCTV footage in the park has been seen going on that house.

"We will be going there sir to look and investigate! Once we confirmed she's there. We will rescue her!"

"Good, I am coming with you!"

"Sir, it's dangerous!"

"I don't care! That's my daughter we are talking about!"

"Ok, sir!"

After our conversation, I went to Lila's room again to check on her. But when I opened the door the bed was already empty. I thought she might use the bathroom but I didn't hear any noises there. So I went downstairs but I can't seem to find her.

I went again to her room and my eyes landed on her phone that was sitting on the bed. Though I am not the type of guy who likes to snoop on someone's phone , especially my girl phone. But I have this uneasy feeling about it.

I opened it but it required a password so I tried our wedding date surprisingly I got in. I smiled knowing that she still remembered and valued our wedding day. Which means I still have hope for our relationship to grow more.

I went to the call history but I didn't see anything suspicious so I went to the messages inbox. There I saw a text from an unknown sender.

I have your daughter. Call this number so I can tell you the address.

Then I read the other message and said,

Make sure no one will know about you going out. And also do not bring your phone with you. I don't want anyone to know where you are.

Nothing after that message.

I ran as fast as I could as I thought I could still catch her outside but when I got there she's not there anymore. Also her car no longer parks outside.

I called my team to check on my wife's location. I know the plate number of her car. I let out a series of curses.

Why didn't she tell me?

What if something happens to her?

I don't want to think anything might happen worse but both of them are gone?

If that fucker do something to my mother and daughter I am going to kill him with my own hands.

After a couple of minutes my team called me informing me about my wife. Good thing they were able to track her.

I went out as soon as my team told me the address. They are also heading that way too.

I didn't tell her family because as much as possible I want to make this a close secret between me and my team. It's not like I don't trust her family but the system they have.

That guy came from the same system they have. I know they will have eyes and ears to the royals. That's why I do my own way and I will deal with this on my own.

I prefer to work on people I trust enough. For now I don't have time to think of what possibly her family would think of me about not trusting them. But I have to concentrate on bringing my family back.

And after that, I would do anything in my power not to repeat this situation. I don't want my wife to face this kind of dilemma ever again.

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