Naked Truth

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When I reached my room I saw that Enri was on guard outside.

I glared at him and he glared back, “Why are you here?” I asked.

“I am one of your guards, your majesty.” He replied.

God! He and his political answers!

“No, Why are you ‘really’ here?” I folded my arms and he sighed softly.

“Because you’re keeping the Demon King with you.” He really always needs to be asked twice just to get the answer out of him, “And you never know when it might get dangerous.”

“And?” I asked.

He answered immediately but, “I don’t want this country to burn- ” He stopped suddenly while he was nearing the end of his sentence and I had an idea why. So, I decided to complete his line for him.

“Because of me?” I raised my brows at him and passed him a smirk, “Enri, you may think of me as an imcompetent ruler but I wish the best for my kingdom.” I glared at him some more.

“You don’t realize how strong he is.” He replied, “And it wouldn’t take him a second to kill someone like you.”

“Oh? Someone like me?” I shook my head, “I think you’re forgetting I’m the king.”

“With all due respect, I meant your power level. You know, you lack magic and strength.”

“And that’s why you’re here? To protect me?” I scoffed, “Yeah right.”

I turned towards the door and entered my room while he whispered the words.
“I’m not taking any chances.”

I rolled my eyes and closed the door behind me.

I immediately took the cloak off and placed it on the chair while I looked around to see where Kaan was.
When I left, he was resting but now he was standing next to the bed looking at the black vase on the side table. He still didn’t have a shirt on but I’m sure Leroy is working on that.

At first I wasn’t worried much about it, then I froze next to the bed as I remembered what that flower could mean to a demon.

“Kaan!” He looked at me with furious eyes, eyes that were slightly red now, “That flower is not for you.” I raised my hands up, “Believe me.”

“Oh?” He began to stomp towards me, “That’s a very rare import from the demon kingdom.”

“I-I know.” He came and stood in front of me, “But it’s really not to harm anyone. It’s mine.”

“I can see that it’s yours. It’s in your room.” He seemed really angry and I knew why.

“I- I mean,” Oh My God! I’m stuttering, I hope this doesn’t get out of hand! “It’s f-for me!”

“That flower isn’t of any use to a human, it’s useless for a human unless they want to use it to kill a demon.” He grabbed my shoulders tightly, “Tell me, who do you plan to kill?”

“Kaan,” I looked up at him, “I use that flower, i-it’s not to kill anyone!”

“Don’t lie to me.” His grip increased more on my shoulders and I winced in pain, “Do you have another demon you’re keeping?!”

“I’m not!” I gulped, “I promise it’s not to hurt anyone!”

“Sorin Maximilian,” He hissed my name, “I will humiliate you the same way your people humiliated me-”

“Kaan!” I said his name out loud, “It’s for me, I eat the petals!”

He paused, “And what ‘benefit’ does that give you.” I knew he was mocking me. That flower is an unnamed rare breed that even all demons don’t know about. It grows in a very specific dark environment and is a one kill poison for the demon kind but it does absolutely nothing to humans.

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