Free to love

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As the person came closer to us, she took off her hood, letting the moonlight shine on her and allowing me to take a proper look.

It didn't take me long to figure out who it was. It was indeed a surprise.

A very familiar look but not of the person I once knew. Silver-blonde hair, white clothes, a pretty staff in her hands and white lace around her eyes.

The Oracle from the Maximillian Empire.

But not the one I knew. She must be the new one. Of course, she looked quite young too.

"Hello," She stopped at the right distance from me as if she could see but then again. These high priestesses are like that, they can feel the energies around them.

"Hello," I greeted her, "What brings you here?" She's a person that can cross Rugen's barrier without any problem because of her spiritual aura. Though on that note, how did Kaan come in?

I glanced at him and frowned. He didn't tell me.

"The Demon King told me about your worries," The Oracle spoke and my attention from Kaan was diverted once again.

"Ah- yes," He did say he came prepared. So this is what he meant, "But it's a little hard to explain."

She smiled, "My predecessor had told me the story." She said softly, "So I'm well aware of what you both did. You even dragged an innocent soul into your problem."

"Yes?" I got confused at her words, "An innocent soul?"

She paused, "Forget about what I said, I'm here to solve your problem." She tapped her staff on the ground, "Let's talk about that." I feel like she made a slip of tongue here. Like what she said wasn't meant for me to hear so I decided to ignore it too.

"So, you know the whole story?" I asked.

"Yes," She replied, "Everything."

"Then," I hesitated as I felt scared to ask her about it, "The world-" My pupils began to shake as I mustered up the courage to ask her about it, "It would still get rid of me," I looked at her with fear, "Right?" I gulped, "If I stayed with Kaan?"

I managed to get it out of my system but it only increased my fear. I was terrified that she'd say yes. I was absolutely and utterly afraid of that single word coming out of her mouth.

My heart beat slowed down but the beats were violent. It was like the terror was in resonance with my heart.

Each single second felt like a stabbing needle of eternity.

The Oracle's smile didn't fade though, "Not at all," She replied, "You are free to love."

"Huh?" It came out automatically. At that moment, all of me stopped for a split second, "What is that supposed to mean?" My pulse began to speed up as hope rekindled in my mind.

"We are on an unwritten path." She said, "So whoever you love, may it be a key character, it doesn't matter." I felt goosebumps all over my skin, "The world will no longer bother you. Nature is at rest." There was wave after wave of it, "You can be with whoever you want to be, Wherever you want to be because you are no longer a threat."

I kept getting shivers all over my body and my eyes got teary. There was so much relief there that I almost couldn't handle it.

I glanced at Kaan and he looked back at me with a gentle smile on his face. Seeing that confident yet soft look made my heart tremble with love. He did prepare everything! These past few weeks were very eventless and cruel for me but he was busy!

Escape The Villain Route (Isekai Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now