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>>Sorin (The original timeline)

The demons attacked, the palace was in a frenzy and I was running around not sure where to go. The royal have secret passage ways they can access in these situations and I knew of a few but the place was getting swarmed by enemies fast so, I made my way to the royal study where I ran into Leonidas and Enri.

Just at the same time an attack was launched at the palace, making the whole place quake.

They had already opened a passage and were making their way in.

“Wait!” yelled and they both looked at me. I looked at them both with wide eyes as the place trembled, “Take me with you.” I said as things began to tumble down in the room making blockades to the passage.

Leon and Enri looked at each other and never looked at me again. They cut the rope holding the passage open and it shut immediately. They left me there as the demons entered the floor and killed everyone in their sight.

The place was already filled with screams, the sound of gushing blood, the echoes of things shattering, the stomping of feet, the bursts of magic, the cries of water, the smell of death and everything in between.

It was already a mess but it was the moment I felt the most betrayed in my life. When I asked for help for once but I was coldly ignored like a bug and left behind but on that note, I had no one to blame but myself for that.

I knew no one would take me. Everybody hated me and all this mess was my fault too.

“Sorin!!” Just then, in my moment of defeat someone grabbed my arm pulling me out of the room just as a demon attacked, “Move!!” The only person who would take care of someone like me, came to me again when I was abandoned by everyone else. Leroy grabbed me tightly and cast a shield behind us as we ran towards another passage.

He was always my hero, he was my protector. He was the shadow who kept me safe when no one else did.

He protected me till his last moments. He covered me when I opened another passageway but died just as I entered the narrow place. The image of his head rolling away, his blood splattering in the air yet his eyes still on me, will never leave me. Even in his last breaths, he wanted to see me safe.

It broke me the most
He did so much for me, only for me to end up  in a miserable state in the end too.


I fall to the ground as I begin to bleed out. At my very last moments I see the person walking away after attacking me. My vision begins to get hazy but I still see his black horns, black hair and those big black wings that can only belong to a dragon.

That must be the Demon Lord, Kaan.

Figures. He was given the news that I was involved in his imprisonment. His resentment is understandable. I would want to kill me too, if I was in his place…

He flies away leaving me to my death, he didn’t even turn to spare me another glance just like Leon and Enri did. Tears roll down my face horizontally as I’m unable to move. All that’s going through my head is regret. My whole life was just regret and regret and regret and nothing else. It was full of fear, it was full of hate, it was full of loneliness.

The only person who accompanied me through this all was also dead and it was all my fault. I am exactly the villain, everyone makes me out to be.

Why am I bleeding out so slowly?
It’s so painful.

I’ve run this far into the forest yet I can still hear the people screaming. I can hear the cries of little kids. I can hear houses burning, I can hear the people cursing, I can feel the pain of everything

Escape The Villain Route (Isekai Book 1)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu