Epilogue : Freedom

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The soil over me was being lifted and right at that moment I opened my eyes. A loud gasp left my mouth as I breathed once again which was followed by the wandering of my eyes in the dark compact place.

Am I in a coffin?!

I touched the wood around me while I could hear the sound of magic from outside and the weight on the coffin getting less.

Ah… I must be in my grave.
After all things were taken care of on my end, I drank the potion given to me by the Oracle.

A potion that kills you temporarily.

It’s actually something that slows down your heartbeat to a level that it can’t be detected and keeps you in a coma-like state.

I relaxed a little knowing it was all over and waited quietly till the time the coffin lid was removed and a flash of light entered my eyes.


I closed my eyes momentarily and then sat up.
I slowly opened my eyes again and saw the Oracle. She smiled at me, “You’re up.”  She ended the light magic she was using and there was darkness again.

I smiled back at her, “And you’re right on time.” She helped me out of my coffin and I made my way up the ground only to find another person waiting for me there.

“Sorin,” Leroy looked at me with a sad expression.

I smiled at him, “Hey!” I waved my hand at him and he came over quickly, then wrapped his arms around me.

The Oracle used her magic to put the coffin lid and the soil back together as it was while Leroy kept me in his embrace. He was hugging me quite strongly.

The night was moonless and there was barely any light to see. It was the perfect night for an escape. I took a deep breath and broke the hug, “It’s time,” I told him as I held his hands.

He nodded, “This isn’t goodbye,” He said, “I’ll come visit whenever I can.”

I chuckled, “Alright.” I said, “I’ll write to you when you’re not visiting me.”

He smiled back, planted a sweet kiss on my forehead and then slowly started stepping back, “See you,” Our hands slipped out of eachothers and we turned in opposite directions.

“See you...”

It felt a little strange, parting from my one and only brother but this was for the best. We were now going to live our own lives.

“You’ve done a great job.” The Oracle said and I smiled sarcastically, “I mean it, no useless deaths of war. A peace treaty that has been signed and happy families.” She took a deep breath, “We accomplished what we set out to do.” We both began to walk in the darkness.

“Yeah,” I took a deep breath, “Finally, it’s over.”

“It’s not just over.” She said, “For you, get another beginning.”

“I guess so,” I was looking forward to it, “And you?” I asked.

“I cast the spell,” She took a deep breath, “So I’ll receive a harsher punishment.” She seemed calm, “Whatever it is, I’m ready for it.”

“I see,” I nodded

“You’ve got a blessing too,” She smiled as she walked beside me, “For saving so many lives.”

“What blessing?” I looked at her in confusion.

She placed her hand on my stomach stopping me as well, “There’s a child inside of you, new life is always a blessing.”

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