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Sorin told me to try and mediate things between Enri and Kaan and then left but now that I have the two of them sitting on either side of me, on the couches in the guest living room I really don’t know what to do.

The tension in the air was high. Neither Enri nor Kaan spoke but their aura could suffocate anyone sitting in between them. They’re both insanely strong and thus their aura is too. So, when I say the tension was high in the air, it was electrifying.

What do I say to calm them down? I feel like the only way to do anything is to just separate them both but that’s just a temporary solution.

We won’t get anywhere if I did that since they’re going to face each other often now that Kaan is officially staying here. I can’t anger Kaan though, he’s a guest here and Sorin said we have to sign a peace treaty with him.

“Um,” I cleared my throat, “Anyone can tell just by looking at you how much friction there is between you both.” They both turned to look at me with cold gazes.

This will be difficult to handle.

“How long is he going to stay here?” Enri asked as he kept his gaze on me.

“He’ll be here till Sorin’s coronation party and maybe a few days after that too.” As I finished my sentence Enri clicked his tongue and looked the other way with folded arms.

I sighed.
Enri’s a good captain and everything but he’s very stubborn when it comes to some things.

I looked at the Demon King, “Kaan,” He had his eyes on me, “We want to keep your stay here as comfortable as possible. So please don’t pick a fight with anyone.”

“Are you threatening me?” He asked rather politely but I got the feeling that there was a hidden meaning behind those words.

I narrowed my eyes, “If that is how you perceive my words.” I said, “So be it.” I then smiled softly, “Sorin wants this and I agree with her. So fighting amongst ourselves won’t take us anywhere.” I kept my smile on, “You’re strong. What if an accident happens while sparring? That would put Sorin in a difficult position.” I don’t know why but I get this feeling that he’s rather obedient when it comes to Sorin and that’s why I used her name here.

“Are you saying I’d lose to him?” Enri wasn’t pleased by my words but I looked at him with a ‘try to understand’ expression and he didn’t say anything further.

“You’re a smart one.” Kaan complimented me and then briefly glanced at Enri then looked back at me, “I would like this ‘visit’ to be a good one too.” He smiled, “As long as no one bothers me, I’ll be on my best behavior.” Enri slightly scoffed at his words but kept it to himself while Kaan kept his grin on.

I smiled, “Thank you.” I said, “This will be a big step towards human-demon relationships.”

“Also the reason  I’m ready to comply.” Kaan replied, “I quite like what your king proposed.”

I smiled back, “I’m all for it too. But it’s gonna take some time to get the noble’s to comply. I hope you will be patient with us.”

“Well, I’m sure you’ll accomplish it.” He gave me a confident look.

I smiled back, “Thank you. I’ll do my best.”

There was now a few minutes of awkward silence after that which unexpectedly was broken by the Demon king.

“Did you and Sorin have a bad relationship before?” His question came out of nowhere.

“Ah,” I was taken aback by his question, “I guess you can say that.” I pouted my lips a bit, “They’re were many minundersdaning between us too.” I smiled, “But I’m glad we could solve it.”

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