Ready for It?

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"Face it, Bucky." Sam smugly smiles. "You've met your match."

And with Sam's words ringing in his ears, for the next two months, Bucky spends every single moment he's with you and Sam trying to prove Sam wrong. Trying to prove that throughout all the missions, all the triumphs, and times you've saved each other's lives, that he's not attached. Every mission he keeps his distance, pretending he's not looking at you. When you do catch him looking, all you see is a scowl. And still you only offer him a kind smile in return. It only annoys him that much more.

And yet, he can't bring himself to tell Sam he's done sneaking off the compound for these secret missions.

Tonight is a special kind of mission, at least according to Sam. All he told Bucky was that he needed to wear something a little nicer than normal.

"Is she going to wear her lucky yellow shirt again?" Bucky sneers, sitting on the couch as the two of them wait for you to leave your room. Both Sam and Bucky are dressed in their nightclub appropriate attire with the plan of attack for the evening already prepared.

"Don't worry, I got her something appropriate."

"You went shopping?" Bucky snickers.

Sam rolls his eyes. "No, I asked Nat to borrow something."

"I thought they didn't know about her."

"They don't. Unless you told someone something?" Sam probes.

"I haven't said a word."

Sam stops for a moment, confusion appearing on his expression. "Now that I think about it, I don't know what's worse: that I had to ask Nat for a dress without telling her what for or the fact that she didn't even question it."

"It's Nat, she probably knows," Bucky reconciles.

"I don't know," Sam mutters. "Fury was pretty top-secret about this whole thing."

"Speaking of, when are you going to introduce her? I don't want the team to think we're friends or anything."

"The words you say hurt. They hurt, Bucky," Sam remarks, clutching his chest.

Now Bucky's the one rolling his eyes to dismiss Sam. "Yeah, whatever, anytime soon?"

"I'm not sure. Soon, but not too soon."

"That couldn't have been more unhelpful."

"I'm sorry, do you have a handbook on how to properly integrate a person who didn't get to see the light of day for the entirety of her life?" Sam sarcastically asks.

Bucky pauses for a moment, a little shocked at Sam's slip up. That's more information than he's gotten out of either of you in the last two months. He wants more than anything to just outright ask, but he stops himself, not wanting to give Sam any more reason to think that he's all that interested, so instead he says, "Steve and I did it well enough."

"That's not the same and you know it," Sam points out, his tone becoming slightly more defensive.

"How is it not the same?"

"You both got a 'before', she doesn't have that, no frame of reference, no family, no childhood, nothing."

"You make it sound like Steve and I are lucky."

"I'm not going to compare and contrast trauma. I'm just stating facts," Sam shrugs. "Can you stop being so hostile and just admit that she's wearing you down?"

"Wearing me down? Sam, honestly," Bucky scoffs, side-eyeing Sam.

"Fine, don't admit it, but I know there's a reason you're hard on her. You wouldn't be if you didn't care."

Two Sides of The Same Coin: Grumpy x SunshineWhere stories live. Discover now