All Too Well

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That was the only word for it.

You were numb from the very moment Fury walked you out of the Compound.

You weren't sure how things had gone so wrong overnight, but 24 hours ago, you were on the couch watching movies with Bucky's arm draped around you. And now you'd never see him again.

You didn't even have anything to remember him by. You wonder how long he'd remain a clear picture in your memory, would his steel blue eyes fade from your recollection while the memories remained fresh in your mind? Would you remember the feeling that came in all those stolen moments? Or would you always be able to picture it? You didn't know. You didn't know anything anymore.

You remained silent in the car as you drove away from everything and everyone you knew.

Soon you were on a small plane, flying with unfamiliar SHIELD agents and Fury as they carted you off to an unknown location. You shove your hands in your jean jacket, the one Sam bought for you your first week with him. Your first real article of clothing- You stop that thought in its tracks. You couldn't think about that because you knew if you did, you'd start crying and you weren't sure that you'd ever be able to stop.

The moment you shove your hands in your pocket, you feel an unfamiliar metal object. Flat, cool, engraved- you don't even have to look to know what they are, you'd seen them on him enough times to know what they'd feel like.

Bucky's dog tags.

You weren't sure when he'd slid those in your pocket, but the smallest smile tugs at your lips at you at being able to hold onto a piece of him.

You're only half paying attention when a hand forcefully tugs you off the plane seat. In your peripheral you see Fury scowl at the man and bark a warning, but the agent only lets up the slightest bit.

You vaguely hear someone mention that they had to check you for any personal possessions. You nod absently, keeping the metal painfully pressed against you so they wouldn't find it as they patted you down. You hear Fury reminding the agent that you weren't a prisoner and that you shouldn't be treated like one.

The frisk thankfully ended without issue. You sigh in relief, internally smiling as you'd get to keep one thing from Bucky.

Then, Fury murmured his own goodbyes, this one not so permanent, but something told you that you wouldn't be seeing him for quite some time either. Your jaw tightens as you watch him reluctantly walk away from you and you wipe away the silent tears trailing down your face.

Then another agent grabs your arm, tugging you away again.

It goes on like that for a while. A series of trade offs and unfamiliar corridors as the distance between you and anything familiar keeps increasing. No one says anything to you, offers any pleasantry, no one even asks you your name.

Then you're lead into another corridor where a friendlier, very talkative agent greets you. She doesn't grip your arm, just gently guides you down the dimly lit concrete corridors. "You know, I've seen footage of some of your mission and I have to say, I'm a big fan. I think you-"

You offer a small smile, politely nodding along, but not quite paying attention as she recaps missions you'd actually lived. Moments you'd lived with the ones you loved most- people you'd never see again.

"You don't have anything on you, right? I know we checked, but protocol," the agent shrugs.

You say nothing, only slightly shaking your head in worry that she'll be able to sense your lie. You needed to hold onto this, if this was all you could get you'd cling to it.

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