Don't Blame Me

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"Oh my God," Sam and Bucky whisper, watching the destruction on the horizon. Even though Bucky's more upset with Sam than he has words for, the two of them watch together as they approach where you'd apparently been taken. They were still miles out, but they could already see the plumes of dark smoke coming from their destination.

Bucky gestures angrily with one hand. "It's almost like tearing her away from any stability and familiarity she knew wasn't a good idea," he shouts over the loud rumble of the engine.

"What are you yelling at me for? I didn't do it!" Sam yells back, fighting back the urge to defend himself and tell Bucky all about the hellish investigation he'd endured. Mostly because, it didn't matter- at least not right now. He messed up. He knew you both deserved the truth. And once this was all over, he hoped that he could give that to you.

"You didn't even try to fight for her," Bucky pointedly accuses. "She was counting on you and you gave up."

"I didn't give up," Sam fumes, scowling at Bucky though he knows he doesn't really have any right to. "They made a decision, there was nothing I could do."


Sam swallows his retort, knowing that it won't help the situation. He takes a deep breath and watches as they approach the epicenter of destruction- destruction of your own making.

As quickly as humanly possible, they arrive on-site. And it's not good, they don't know anything other than what they can see with their own two eyes, and if the perimeter that stretched over a mile long was any indication- it really wasn't good.

"What happened?" Bucky shouts, running up to the various agents surrounding the closed off perimeter, monitoring the situation.

It was like they'd stepped into a completely different climate. The sky was dark with thick smoke, the wind howling around them making it hard to hear anything, the cracked and seperated ground that periodically rumbled underneath their feet. All the vegetation and greenery that wasn't completely charred was now a sickly grey, completely limp and lifeless.

Bucky knows that somebody had finally pushed you too far. He just knows it.

"I don't know," the agent sputters, shrinking under Bucky and Sam's intense glares. "We put her in a debriefing room and she went nuts."

Bucky's fist clenches tightly, fighting the urge to shake the man in rage. "One of those tiny debriefing rooms? The incredibly small, constricted debrief rooms?"

"Did you even read her file?" Sam shouts. "Severely claustrophobic, you idiot. You're lucky she didn't bring the entire city down."

"Can she do that?"

"Yes," Bucky and Sam scream in unison, the two of them gesturing to the widespread damage.

"Why didn't you let her out?" Bucky demands.

"We tried, but the wing was already coming down. We had to get everyone out."

"And is everyone out?" Sam questions.

"Everyone except her."

Bucky doesn't even give Sam a chance to formulate a plan before he takes off, very literally running into the eye of the storm. You may be the one causing this, but you're still only human, you could be trapped, hurt, or any other number of things. You're his priority.

He runs toward where the building used to stand, shielding his eyes from the ash and small rubble whipping around in the air. As he approaches, he sees the steel framework that still stands barely holding on. It's all about to come down and you're still in there.

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