Long Story Short (Epilogue)

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2 Years Later...

"Wow..." you awe, leaning over the railing at the very edge of the canyon. "I guess it's called the Grand Canyon for a reason."

Bucky chuckles, rolling his eyes affectionately, but joins you on the very precipice. It was an incredibly warm day, but he loved the unbothered, peaceful look on your face as you looked over the canyon.

You turn your head away from over the railing and look at Bucky. "Makes me want to scream into the void, you know?"

"So do it," he shrugs nonchalantly.

"No!" you exclaim, jolting back from the railing with an incredulous expression. "We'll look like crazy people."

"I think you forget that people already look at us like that."

"No, they don't," you scoff, slapping his shoulder.

"Metal arm?" he says, lifting up his arm that glints in the intense Arizona sun. "Lady who singlehandedly took down a government facility."

You suck in a breath as your jaw drops at Bucky's brazen comment. Even though a lot of time had passed since that whole incident, no one ever really talked about it. And for a moment Bucky thinks he took it too far. But then you start laughing, "Oh my God, we are the crazy people."

"Your boyfriend is a super soldier staring machine and you think knocking a building down makes you crazy? Sticking with tin man makes you crazy," Sam mumbles, standing on the other side of you.

"Ignore him," you chuckle. "He's just cranky."

"If I'm cranky it's because I just drove halfway across the country watching the two of you make eyes at each other. It's adorable- and absolutely disgusting. And you made me sit in the back."

"You could've stayed in the car," Bucky points out, side-eying Sam.

He couldn't really be mad, even annoyed at Sam. Sam was doing the two of you a favor by tagging along and was generally being a good sport about driving across the country with the two of you.

Even though he wouldn't admit it, by being here Sam was making both yours and his life a whole lot easier.

In the weeks leading up to your trip, Bucky tried talking you out of following the rules and leaving Sam back at the Compound. But in spite of them loosening their vice-like grip on you, you tried to avoid pissing off SHIELD whenever possible. It was already lucky that you three all got to take time off for your second vacation in a year, you didn't want to push it.

"You dragged me along on this road trip- the second one I've been forced to endure because of you two. And you're just going to leave me in the car?"

"Of course not," you assure him.

"Yes," Bucky replies simultaneously.

"I hate you guys."

"But you love us," you counter with a wide grin.

"Yeah," Sam begrudgingly sighs. "Most of the time."

You spend a few hours there basking in the dry Arizona heat. The three of you hiked one of the trails around one side of the canyon, and enjoyed the unbothered pace and generally relaxed nature of the day. And as you watched the sun set once again at the edge of the canyon, you screamed into the void. And you were right, it was a lot of fun.

"You sure you don't want anything?" you ask, stopping at a little store to get some treats and drinks after the long hike.

"I'm good," Bucky says, pecking your lips.

Two Sides of The Same Coin: Grumpy x SunshineWhere stories live. Discover now