chapter 3 (REVISED)

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Anastasia's POV

"This is our place, we make the rules," the woman giggled, and I laughed along with her, feeling a sense of joy. She had a gentle gaze as she held me in her arms, referring to me as her little Astheria, the most beautiful girl in the kingdom.

Surrounding us, flowers bloomed rapidly, and little faes gathered, their soft voices bringing a calming effect to my being.

"My beautiful Asteria, Anastasia, ANASTASIA!"

I woke up in a state of sweat, glancing around the room. The maid who had been with me earlier held my hand, her expression of surprise and relief.

"Princess Anastasia! I'm so glad your okay!" She cried and hugged me, I was stunned to see that she instinctively hugged Anastasia even if she was new, Anastasia was a terrifying and hot tempered person but why does the new maid looked like she knew her?

"Ah..please forgive me your highness.." She had a sad gaze as her eyes fixed on the floor. She excused herself and left.

I then jerked as I clutched the shirt that was near my heart. My head ached as the lingering pain that was emitting from my heart still hurts.

I felt a tear left my eye as I clutched for dear life.

Words couldn't leave my mouth as though my body was frozen from the intensity of the pain, every move of mine hurt.


"Your highness?" the physician called out to me for the third time as I drifted deeper into darkness.

"Anastasia!" Calix called my name, holding my hand as he sat beside my bed. I wondered why he was here?

Coughing up blood, I sat down, trying to make myself more comfortable.

"It's a miracle! The princess has finally awakened after a week of slumber!" one of the older maids exclaimed, causing some of the others to burst into tears.

Suddenly, the door burst open, revealing my mother in disarray, with the emperor standing behind her. She rushed towards me, tears streaming down her face.

"I apologize Anastasia, I didn't knew that it would've taken a toll on your body that hard.." He muttered as he held my hand as a tear left his eye.

I stared at him with furrowed brows. This is the man who killed thousands without remorse, ruined and psychology tortured hundreds of his enemies without guilt.

And he's crying right in front of me.

I pulled away my hand as fast as I can as he looked stunned and more heartbroken.

My head ached as I placed my hand on my forehead as I yelled.

The physician came forward and made the emperor step back, I saw in his face that he couldn't tell what was wrong with me.

"I'm sorry, but I suggest that you take the royal highness to the..tower mage.." The room went silent as the emperor gazed at the physician with anger and the empress whimpered.

The mages and royal family have a terrible relationship, the royal see mages as slaves and lowly things as the mages see ordinary people as horrendous and monsters.

"If..we have no choice.. I'll talk to Nexus." The emperor said sternly as his wife looked at him lovingly as she cried.

Feeling a mixture of confusion and discomfort, I raised an eyebrow.

She clung to me tightly, her face stained with tears and sweat. She then directed her anger towards the emperor.

"I told you a month was too much for her!" She shouted, her voice filled with frustration. The emperor appeared guilty and apologetic.


It's been two days, and I still can't leave the bed. Not because I'm disabled or anything, but because the physician has strictly ordered me to rest. So, the knights and maids are constantly monitoring me, making sure I don't disobey.

I'm only allowed to get up if it's necessary, like to go to the bathroom. Other than that, I'm stuck here, sighing and laying my head back on the pillow, overwhelmed with boredom.

Xaervin hasn't come to visit me either. I don't know why. I hope he didn't get punished. I have this strange fondness for him since he was my favorite character in the novel.

Suddenly, my window swung open, allowing a rush of cold wind to brush against my bare skin. I turned to see Xaervin, panting heavily and covered in wounds.

He quickly closed the door behind him and approached the bed where I lay. Unaware that it was my room, he appeared noticeably more at ease.

To avoid tensing him further, I refrained from speaking and instead reached for a first aid kit I had hidden under the bed. Recognizing his difficulty in communicating, I offered him some water to stop his panting.

His vision seemed blurry, and he clutched onto his wounds in pain.

Gently, I guided him to sit beside me on the bed, and he gazed off to the side. Working quickly, I sterilized his wounds before applying bandages.

For the more severe injuries, like those on his ear, stomach, and chest, I first sterilized them and then utilized a simple dark magic healing technique.

Just as I was tending to Xaervin, I heard the door open, and I turned to see a new maid with a shocked expression. Swiftly, I gestured for her to remain quiet.

She shut the door and went to me, she was holding a bowl with water and a towel. I took it and cleaned Xaervin's body, I ordered the maid to get male clothing as his wounds may get infected.

She immediately ran and after a minute she held male maid clothes.

I clothed him as I felt he was fast asleep.

I sighed and thanked the maid who had a surprised expression.

"Your highness.." she had tears welled in her eyes, it looked like she couldn't finish her sentence and left.

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