4. 'Disagreement'

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Deneo sends another message to Lucky, writing: 

"I'm sorry you feel that I should change the ending, but I'm going with what I believe God has told me to do. Please do not deter me."

In four days Lucky has written: I wish you wouldn't use the Lord's name in vain. 

This troubles Deneo who cannot impute these bizarre coincidence to anyone or anything besides God and His Will.

She decides to mull over things for a few days.

Maya is your Lucky, is the nagging thought she can't get out of her head the entirety of the time set aside to think.

Maya? But I deplore him!

And in a panic Deneo sends Lucky a lengthy text hoping to persuade him to leave the ending as is. It reads: 

"Lucky, I know that you love your new family and that you are committed to your wife. I have no problem with this, and in fact I applaud it. But can you please consider my situation too? Every waking hour is a nightmare. The mockery never ceases. Day in day out all I can think is 'what if'. What if I had not given up on you the first time around. What if I had grit my teeth and waited for your response no matter when it came?

I imagine you as the light at the end of this tunnel I'm immersed in. There's a reason why in some states polygamy is legalised. It's in the bible. Even King David, the one after God's heart had multiple wives. Dare you say you're holier than he?"

"Deneo," begins his reply, "I have no idea how to deal with you. I've never considered anything outside of monogamy. The fact that you're thrusting this - polygamy - upon me is vexing to say the least. I've only known you for 5 seconds and I'm not even attracted to you! Please stop this. I was prepared to give this a chance, your book, because I believe you're gifted. But you make me regret what I've promised you. And in fact the offers are off, and if you try it again with me, I'm getting the authorities involved.

In a puddle of tears, Deneo can no longer hide her pain. Austin and Maya of course mock her, but even they are cut up about Lucky's reaction. "I told you this fantasy of yours is a farce," Maya explodes. "Of course it wouldn't work out, you're mine to have! I'm your Lucky."

"I wish you'd stop saying that!" Deneo screams out loud, and taking for granted that no one has heard, she slips from her chair to the ground crying "I can't do this anymore!"

The door bursts open. 

Deneo's sister's on the other side of it. Seeing Deneo slumped on the floor weeping she rushes over bending beside her with her arm over her back consoling her.

"What's the matter?" She asks once Deneo sits up wiping her face.

Should she tell her about the conversation with Lucky? Was the uproar just over that? Deneo doesn't think so, and so she tells her sister she's not coping with the psychosis.

"Are we getting you admitted?" Doll, her sister queries, dejection in her tone.

Deneo shakes her head beseeching her not to call the paramedics.

"So then what's going on with you?" Dolly asks frustrated.

Deneo comes clean about Lucky's recent 'communique' and her sister sighs with foreboding. Deneo also tells her what Maya said and her sister is shocked, Deneo has never divulged this much about her condition. They touched her? They tried to have their way with her! Her sister is livid on her behalf. 

Encouraging her to tell the doctor everything so she can maximise on her treatment her sister knows her hands are lamentably tied otherwise. 

The two sisters are drawn into a deep exchange which is cathartic for both. 

The bottom line with her sister is that nothing that's fated fails. Maya is a creep yes, but Lucky's taken. It never happened because it wasn't supposed to. A hard pill for Deneo, but she swallows. When her sister leaves the room Deneo starts typing up a different ending and in a message to Lucky writes: "I'm sorry. I finally get it. I've changed the ending."

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