5. 'Compromised'

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Lucky, I've fixed the ending. I'm sorry, I did not mean to menace you but I thought if I changed any detail of the story my belief in God would be compromised. But I've just figured out that God was playing a cruel joke on me. Maya might be who he says he is, meaning everything happened as it did because it was meant to work out that way. You marrying Nara, and Maya being literally  stuck to me for Lord knows how long.

After completing the text she sends it and anger starts to bubble thinking about Maya and Austin - that this is apparently what she deserves? "God must hate her," she thinks suppressing tears.

In a week's time Lucky has sent: "Give me your number. I get tired of texting."

Deneo's heart beats faster. She cannot help but draw fantastical conclusions to this request although knowing it isn't romantic in any way. She sends Lucky a message including her number therein.

On a lazy Sunday, while watching a kdrama her phone starts to buzz in her hands.The caller number stretches for days. Deneo's heart races knowing who's on the other end of the line.


"Uhm, yes. Is it Deneo?"

"Uhm-hm," she lets out made nervous by the bass in his voice.

"Hi honey, how are you?"

You...he, just called me what?

"Hey dear, are you there?"

Me, dear, to him, how?

"Hey Deneo I think you're breaking up. Can you move around a bit till the connection gets better?"

I must speak. I have to say something, anything.

"Lucky?" She almost cries blushing pink and red.

"Yes? I'm here. What's the matter?"

"I'm just nervous... There's nothing wrong with the network."

"Oh? But honey there's no need to be. It's only me."

He called me honey again.

"Hey? Are you okay over there?"

Deneo explodes into tears. After every vicious word Austin and Maya have spewed her way, someone calling her endearingly is hard to make sense of. Lucky lets her cry it out, saying "it's okay" every now and then. Deneo cries every bad feeling away. At the end of it she feels renewed.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to waste your time," Deneo says wiping her face.

"You don't have to apologise. You've been through a lot. I'm sorry I didn't call sooner."

"Don't blame yourself for any of what I'm going through Lucky, it wouldn't be fair on you."

"I could have made things easier to bear."

"But you have, and I can't thank you enough."

"It's not a problem, Deneo... 

... So why I called: the Maya guy, I don't think you should be so trusting. Any lunatic can go around saying they're Jesus. You don't have to believe him."

"I guess. But the way everything has happened, I can't help but believe him."

"I have a gut feeling this is wrong. Now you can ignore my advice but I'll know that I tried to stop you."

"There's no point in arguing Lucky. They never leave, and they always have their way with me. I can't get them away from me no matter what I do."


"There's no point Lucky. I think God hates me."

"He does not. You're his child, he can't hate you!"

"I don't even go to church anymore."

"I know. You told me."

"Oh, I did?'

"Yes. And I think you shouldn't have. I'm getting that you trust people too easily."

"I do."

"So thank God I'm not a pervert? Deneo, you need to be more circumspect."

"I guess."

"Listen Deneo, I'm sorry about how I've been in my dealings with you. As your brother in Christ I could have done better. And I'm seeing it now. I can do better. I would caution you to stay away from Maya but that's impossible for your circumstance. I'm sorry I can't do anything to get them away from you."

"Please stop apologising."

"But maybe if I had read your story early enough you might not have lost it."

"Maya was coming Lucky. That's what drove me over the edge. There's nothing you could have done to stop it."

"If you say so."

"I do. Please stop blaming yourself. The meeting was fated. There's only so much one person can do to avoid fate."

"Let's agree to disagree for now, okay? I need to dash."

"So soon," she thinks but holds her tongue from saying.

"Okay," is her concise answer.

"I'll call you again about the book, now is not a good time I'm very busy with work, and the babies at home."

"Oh. Okay." She replies fearing she'll never hear from him again.

"As soon as I'm free I'll give you a call. I promise you that Deneo," he coddles, as though he overheard her think.

"Okay Lucky, I'll wait patiently", Deneo answers consoled by his words.

"Alright, bye now?"

"Bye Lucky, and thanks for calling. You didn't have to."

"I believe I did. What are friends for?"

"You consider me a friend?" Deneo says begging his pardon.

"As a fellow Christian, yes I do."

"Okay. Sweet. Bye friend?"

"Bye Deneo."

Euphoria is what she senses, excitement building up. She goes out to her sister in the living room telling every juicy titbit.

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