6. 'Lucky's Going Where?'

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A month goes by, and Lucky has not contacted her, she wants to say to him, "See, I knew you'd forget all about me," but she doesn't, opting for channelling the emotional angst on paper.In her diary Deneo reminisces about Lucky's phone call, and, even writes about it in her Wattpad story.

In a week shy of two months Deneo receives a call, from the same long number as before.

"Hello?" She voices not sure how else to pick up the call.

"Hey Deneo. It's me. It's Lucky darling."

"Hi Lucky," Deneo answers her cheeks on fire.

"I told you I'd call, didn't I?"

"Yes you did, I'm so relieved."

"I took too long, I'm sorry."

"That's okay. You eventually did and I'm glad."

"I can't even wait," Lucky suddenly says, and thereafter "I've got some news for you dear."

"You can't wait? So is it good?"

"It is. Wanna try and guess?"

"And say what? I'm completely clueless."

"Lucky Blue Smith is coming to South Africa."

"Sorry, you're what?" Deneo utters, putting the phone on her right - her good ear.

"Yes dear. You heard correctly."


"In a month's time," He expresses with a laugh.

"Where exactly? Johannesburg? Cape Tow-"

"Yes, the second one."

"Oh... Well I hope you enjoy your stay?"

"Why are you killing my fire? You sound over it."

"I live in Johannesburg and that's a stupid amount of kilometres away from Cape Town."

"Yes I recall you telling me. Well it was in the book. So I've arranged you come join me in Cape Town. For a week."

"No ways. You didn't." Deneo gushes, her heartbeat trebling in her ears.

"I have dear. You'll be in your own suite. Between breaks from my work you and I can brainstorm about how to feature you and the book on my social platforms. We can also record the video, a description from you followed by a short Q&A with me. How does all this sound?" Lucky asks, more than anything checking if she's still there.

"I'm marvelled beyond belief," is her short response.


"It's true. I might be dreaming."

"It's not a dream dear. I'll email you your ticket sometime this week."

"Do you have my email address?"

"I do. You gave it to me when you were still trying to get me to read your story."

"Oh. Yes, you're right."

"About the book itself, Deneo..."


"...it's concerning how much of your life you broadcast. The net is full of unsavoury people. You have to take some of it down."

"But then the story is no longer realistic.

"To hell with that. Your safety should be more important than some book."

"It's not just some book. I get to meet Lucky Blue Smith because of that book."

"Alright, I didn't mean it that way. But please take the stuff down, like where you live-"

"Okay that I'll change. But nothing else," Deneo interjects.

"What about your name?"

"That's staying."

"At least take out your middle name then. And your sister? I'm sure she doesn't want her real name broadcasted. You should think about her safety and sense of privacy as well."

"Alright Lucky. I'll change both."

"Great. You'll thank me when you're famous."

"As if!" Deneo conveys. Lucky lets out a hearty laugh. 

"Okay dear, I need to go now," He informs. "I'll email you those tickets (to and from Cape Town) by the end of this week okay?"

"Thank you Lucky. This is a lot. But I'm grateful."

"That's okay Deneo. Bye now?"

"Bye Lucky."

Stoked Deneo screams into her blanket. She can't remember a day when she was more excited.

She then sends her sister a lengthy message letting her know Lucky's coming and that she'll be meeting him in Cape Town. Her sister is nothing short of glad for her. Her sentiments are, considering her battle with psychosis, 'it's about time something good happened in her life'. Deneo agrees still finding it hard to believe she'll see him in the flesh.

"Well believe or not Dene, it's happening."

"It is..."

"Please take photos at every turn!"

"I will Dolly," Deneo reassures.

"So when are you getting back home madam?" Deneo texts Dolly, pulling the covers over her face - it's cold.

"In about 30 minutes."

"Okay great, I'll unlock the door for you close to that time."

"Thanks sis'."

"No prob."

Dolly gets home with some chocolate for everyone. Deneo shares hers with her sister. She's put on a few pounds since she fell ill, and she feels she needs to start working out from tomorrow till the day she leaves for the Cape.

Lucky Blue Smith: How About Two?जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें