Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

Jane Rizzoli was a tough woman. Working as a cop, she had to be really strong and determined. She was strong-willed and driven person. So naturally she just had to hide her soft side deep inside her and never show her vulnerable side. Not to anyone. And she managed to hide her vulnerability very well, acting a bit coldly around people. Jane loved her job very much but she knew that all work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. So Jane knew how to have fun, too. She had her own guilty pleasures during the weekend. And one of her guilty pleasures was reading fanfictions. She loved reading poems the most. She enjoyed drinking her morning coffee and reading poems during the weekend. Even though no one would ever peg her for a reader, she really enjoyed spending her time in reading poems. Jane was keeping it a secret because she had brothers. She knew her brothers would mock her if they found out about her guilty pleasure. So she never shared that with anyone. Even with Maura. Not that Maura would mock her or something but she had one big problem - she just couldn't lie. And that was risk Jane would never take. So no one knew about her secret passion and she preferred it that way. It was something special that no one could take away from her. And that no one knew about.

Saturday morning, as usual, Jane was drinking her coffee and reading alone in her apartment. She was listing through the pages and she saw a title that caught her attention - "I will undress your soul". It was written by someone who called himself lonely_heart. That wasn't the person's real name - of course not. Most of the authors preferred staying anonymous. Just like her. She wouldn't give her real name so she called herself Anonymous_reader. It wasn't very creative but she just couldn't think of something better. And that was what she was doing in that website - reading. Since the title caught her attention, Jane decided to give it a try so she opened the page and started reading the poem.

I will undress your soul

I will undress your soul. One layer at a time.

I will break your walls. Invade your space.

I will get close to you and make you mine.

I will see you naked. Feel your taste.


I will undress your soul. Like a piece of clothing.

I will take my time to get you naked.

You are the puzzle. And I'll be solving,

putting every effort until I make it.


I will undress your soul. Real slow.

I will get under your skin. Invade your heart.

Every detail about you I will know.

Undressing souls is like work of art.


After reading the poem Jane just felt she had to write something to the author. She liked the poem very much and just felt something deep inside her while she was reading it. She was moved by it, the poem touched her soul, so she wanted to share her thoughts with the author. She had never talked with anyone on that website before because it was silly to write someone you don't even know. And dangerous too. That's what she thought. But now Jane just decided to give it a try. She was a cop after all - she could take care for herself. Since she couldn't talk with the author she left him or her a private message.

"Hello, lonely_heart. I usually don't do so such things... I never write to someone especially if I don't know him, but now I just couldn't help it. Not after reading your poem "I will undress your soul". I liked your poem a lot. You write really beautifully and I'd like to know what inspired you to write this poem. I am just curious to know. I hope I am not bothering you with my curiosity and stupid questions..."

Jane wanted to make her text short and straight to the point. The author probably wouldn't even answer her message. It was silly. And plus, what are the chances? 

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