Chapter 5

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Chapter 5

It was Sunday morning. The previous day, after Jane told lonely_heart that she have written a poem lonely_heart didn't write back anything. She just disappeared after that. But in the morning Jane had an alert that lonely_heart had published another poem. Jane was eager to read it, wondering if that was the reason she didn't reply the previous day - to write. Or perhaps she was busy. Jane didn't want to bother her so she didn't write anything else. She didn't want to disturb her since she hadn't answered to her last message.

Jane opened the page and started reading the poem.

If only

If only I could talk to you

If only I could dare...

I would tell you that I want you

All my feelings I would share.


If only I could spend one day you

If only I could dare...

I would tell you that I need you

All my wishes I would share


If only I could spend one night you

If only I could dare...

I would tell you that I love you

All my dreams I would share.


After Jane read the poem that lonely_heart had published, she noticed that she had a new message. Maybe lonely_heart was up early, just like her. She eagerly opened the message and read it.

"Now that I know you have written something, I am dying to read your poem. Would you share it with me? I promise I won't tell anyone. Please?"

Should she send her the poem? Jane wondered, not sure what to do. Sure, the poem she wrote about Maura was really private, but lonely_heart was just a stranger. She lived in Boston, as she had mentioned one time, but there was no way she met Maura in person. And plus, as she said it herself, lonely_heart spilled her guts out. And Jane wanted to return the favor. But was that the right thing to do? And was she ready to share her poem with anyone? The poem was really private and was all about Maura, but it wouldn't hurt to find out what lonely_heart thought of it, could it?

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