Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

The next day - Sunday, Jane logged in her account and saw that she had a new message. It was from lonely_heart. The person she wrote the previous day had answered her message. She didn't expect that. She didn't even expect an answer from lonely_heart and she had almost forgotten about it. Jane had never chatted with someone through a website before and plus, the person could be not what she expected. He or she could be really rude with her, mean or even something worse than that. Jane didn't even know what to expect. So she just decided to read the message and find out what lonely_heart had written her back. She opened the message and started reading it.

"Hello, Anonymous_reader. Honestly, you are the first person that writes me a private message. First, thank you very much for your compliment, that's really sweet of you and I really appreciate it. And you are not bothering me at all, it's quite the opposite. I am really glad you wrote me a message. So you want to know what inspired me to write the poem 'I will undress your soul'... well, I have a friend that I like. She is kind of distant, she keeps her heart far away from her sleeve. It's written about her. Actually I am in love with her. It's what I want to share with her, that is how I feel. I want to undress her soul, as I have written in my poem. To get to know her better. She is my inspiration for it. It's what I really want to tell her, but I could never find the guts to do it. I just poured out my feelings into the poem that were buried deep inside me for so long. I can't tell her how I feel, but at least I could share my feelings, even though not with her but with a bunch of strangers. It's not the same as sharing it with her, but I just can't make myself tell her. I am a coward, maybe. Just a little... But what can I say, I just like writing, too. It's really nice. I hope that answers your question."

After Jane read the message she wanted to know more. She was intrigued by the story lonely_heart shared with her so she wanted to know more about the author. And more about what's she or he like. Jane didn't even know whether she was chatting with a woman or a man. So she decided to ask.

"Can I ask you something directly? Are you a man or a woman? A woman I presume (because of the poem)? "

Jane typed the short message and hit send. She didn't expect to get an answer so fast but after just a few minutes, she got a new message and it was from lonely_heart.

"Yes, I am a female. And what about you, Anonymous_reader?"

Jane read the new message. So she is a woman, she thought. Jane felt really close to that stranger. She was in the same situation herself and she could really understand her. She could get her and relate to her because she felt the same way. She knew the feeling of unrequited love very well. It was what she felt for Maura. She had feelings that she couldn't share with her, afraid that Maura wouldn't feel the same way.

Jane never felt that connection with anyone. She couldn't reason her feelings but it was true - she felt something drawing her to that complete stranger. And it was really odd. Perhaps because they had similar destiny - to feel unrequited love for someone. Maybe that was the only reason she felt lonely_heart oddly close to her, like she already knew her. So she wanted to get to know her better and find out what she's really like.

But Jane didn't even know her so she wondered whether it was worthy. She couldn't reason her feeling deep inside her, but it was there. The fact that she felt strange connection to lonely_heart was something she couldn't explain. Lonely_heart could be a thief or even worse - a murderer. All she knew about her was that she writes beautifully. Psychopaths don't write poems, do they? Should she tell her about her own situation with Maura? After all she's just a stranger that can't judge her. Jane felt the urge to share her own story. Her own pain. She had never shared her feelings. Not to anyone. She just kept them hidden from the world, buried deep inside her. And she really wanted to share them with lonely_heart. At least lonely_heart would understand how she feels, she thought to herself and quickly started typing.

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