Chapter 1: Worlds collide

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The stars were beautiful. They were always beautiful. Twinkling like a thousand crystals across the night sky. All creatures throughout the universe would look to these stars, gaze to them. Sometimes they would look to them in wonder or amazement. Other times they look towards them in curiosity or adventure. Even some would look to these stars with envy or desire. The stars were the one thing all creatures would look to. Something all wished to reach and grasp within their hands.

One such creature lay under these stars, lying on lush green grass under a clear star-filled sky. A young girl, who looked to be in her twenties, lay out on this lush green carpet of the earth, She was a rather lanky girl with long legs stretched out and her long arms folded under her head. Her chestnut hair spread out in waves around her head, bright hazel eyes stared up in admiration. Moving her arm, she reached up to the sky stretching her fingers out, almost as though wanting to touched the stars. She gave a soft smile, placing her arms back under her head while sighing with content. Blissfully enjoying the cool night.

"Wandal Time for dinner!"

The girl, Wanda, glanced sideways towards her mother. Her miother waved to her, smiling brightly before walking back into their small, cottage-like house, Wanda gave a light smile as well. She stood up and brushed off the backside of her jeans, denim jacket, and straightened her purple shirt before walking back towards her house.


Wanda froze for a second, and then quickly shook her head. There was that voice again. Or one of the many voices anyway. She knew her imagination had just been overactive lately. She has been watching too much of her favorite show. Maybe she should cut back and watch something else for a while.

Walking inside, she turned to see both her mother and father sitting at the dinner table already, laughing away at some joke her father had made. They turned to her as she entered the room, bearning to her.

"Hey, sweetheart, how was your day?" ber father asked, Wanda sat down smiling to him. "Tine, how was your day, father?" she asked while sitting down, "And your day, mother?" Wanda glanced down to her plate to see a wonderfully made chicken dinner, just the way she loved it. She quickly picked up her fork and dug in

"Oh, I had a lovely day working on my carvings again," her father spoke brightly. "I worked on my garden some more," her mother also spoke.

"Oh! Are the tulips coming in well," Wanda said with a mouth full of food.

Her mother gave her a small smile. "Don't talk with your mouth full, honey."

Wanda quickly swallowed and wiped her mouth. "Oh, night, sorry."

"The tulips are coming along fine. They should be ready for the picking soon."

"And the tiger lilies?" Her mother gave a happy nod. Wanda cheered in delight. She could not wait until her mother's flowers came up. Especially, the tulips and tiger lilies, they were her favorites. Wanda smiled brightly to them both. "Will Tina be coming back home soon?" "She called in the other day," her father replied. "She should be coming home next week from another one of her travels Wanda cheered once more, excited to see her older sister again. She quickly ate up the rest of her meal. Getting up from her table, she quickly began to clean up and wash the dishes for her parents.

"More of your show recorded tonight. Will you be watching it?" her father asked. Wanda smiled brightly again.

"Oh, that must be more of Doctor Who, "she said happily. "But those will be just repeats now. I finished season seven last week. It'll be a while before the next season comes on." "You could always make the next season come earlier, dear," her father said. Wanda paused, half way from washing her dish. Blinking rapidly, she turned to her father wondering if she had heard him right. "What did you say father?" "I said, that's too bad, honey. How long will it be until the new season?"

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