Chapter 28: A Day of Rest

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Martha found them both sitting on the ground, still holding onto each other. She threw herself at them, hugging them both tightly with joy. She both laughed and cried in relief. They returned the hug, laughing some with her. After a while of just hugging and enjoying each other's comfort, they all stood up and walked back to the vent chamber. Wanda picked up her jacket along the way, having left it in the engine room. She decided to leave it off for a while since it was still too hot to wear it. The Doctor put back on his suit coat, brushing it off some. Wanda knew he did this mostly to feel back in control and to put up a front that everything was all right. She could see it in his eyes, though. Everything was not all right for him. He still held that same fear from earlier within him.

They met up Scannell and Riley, the last two surviving crew members of the S.S. Pentallian. The two men opened up the vent chamber, allowing them to see the TARDIS still standing tall and proud. Completely unharmed by the intense lava heat that had gone through the chamber earlier. Wanda smiled brightly, bouncing up to give the old girl a welcoming pat. Glad to see the blue ship once again. She could sense the TARDIS sending her a warm welcome as well, a comforting presence entering her mind. As always, being around the TARDIS felt as if Wanda had been wrapped in a warm blanket. Warm, soothing emotions came from the ship, lulling Wanda into a gentle peace. Almost like a mother caring to her child.

"Hey, Sexy. Did you miss us?" Wanda whispered quietly, smiling when hearing the peasant hum in her mind. "Hope the heat wasn't too rough on you." The hum responded lightly, assuring her that the old girl did not even break a sweat.

"This is never your ship," Scannell said in disbelief upon seeing the TARDIS.

"Compact, eh?" the Doctor responded in delight, having inspected around the TARDIS for any sign of damage. He patted the ship cheerfully. "And another good word: robust. Barely a scorch mark on her."

"We can't just leave you drifting with no fuel," Martha spoke up, looking to the two crew members with concern.

"We've sent out an official mayday. The authorities will pick us up soon enough," Riley assured her.

"Though how we explain what happened . . .," trailed off Scannell.

"Just tell them that sun needs care and protection just like any other living thing," stated the Doctor, opening the TARDIS doors to go in. Scannell gave him a nod before the Doctor entered into the ship. Wanda followed after him, allowing Martha to make her goodbyes with Riley.

She saw how the Doctor leaned on the console with his hands, staring tiredly at the controls. He sighed, standing up to rub at his face as if to wake himself back up. His hands lingered on his hand as he stared at Wanda. He gave her this look she could not place, feeling as though he were studying her. Maybe even . . . confused or lost to something.

"Is . . . everything all right, Doctor?" Wanda asked him gently, walking up towards him.

"Yeah, fine," he mumbled, letting his hands drop, staring off distantly to nowhere in particular. She reached for his hand, taking it gently into her own. She squeezed it, leaning up against his arm to sort of hug it to comfort him. He squeezed back.

"So, didn't really need you in the end, did we?" Martha said out humourously as she bounced up to them. She stopped short upon seeing their distant, solemn faces. "Sorry. How are you doing?" The Doctor stared at her for a second before quickly changing his persona from stoic to cheerful.

"Now, what do you say, ice skating on the mineral lakes of Kur-ha. Fancy it?" he asked them both quickly, letting go of Wanda's hand to start flipping some of the TARDIS controls. Martha and Wanda continued to stare at him, both worrying over him.

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