Chapter 14: Star Gazing

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An argument could be heard coming from the TARDIS control room. And rather loud one at that with the harsh words echoing down the long corridors of the ship. Wanda continued to walk towards the control room cautiously. She had woken up a while ago from some much needed sleep. After taking a shower and eating a nice breakfast, she had made her way down to find the Ten and Rose. But then the harsh tones had stopped her short halfway down towards the room. She inched the rest of the way to the area, stopping just at the edge of the room. Both Rose and the Doctor could be seen by the console. With the Time Lord messing around with the controls and Rose having her arms sternly crossed as she glowered at the Doctor.

"And I say we go do what we had planned to do in the first place. We go to 1979 and see that concert," Rose said loudly.

"Oh, come on. I'd rather not go there now. I think we should go to Diadem. Nice, relaxing, Diadem," the Doctor replied just as loudly. Both of them sounded rather annoyed with each other.

Wanda felt anxious by their tones. She never heard the Doctor and Rose really argue on the show. Or, at least, not Ten and Rose. But it seemed now they did. She had noticed some spats when she had seen them last after Sarah Jane's reunion. At the time, she did not pay much attention to it. But after what happened back on Platform One, she wondered if this was normal for them. Did they usually always have a go at each other like this? She edged her way into the room a little more, wishing she could help them come to an agreement in some way. At least so that way they would not fight or be angry towards each other. She hated to see friends fight, especially Rose and the Doctor.

"Oh, come on! You wanted to go see Ian Dury in the first place!" Rose yelled at the Doctor. "Now I want to see him!"

"Yeah, well, I changed my mind!" he yelled back, flipping around switches at random on the console.

Rose gritted her teeth in frustration. "You've got to be joking! You can't just change your mind like that!"

The Doctor shot her a look of irritation. "I'm the driver! I can change my mind if I want to!"

"Um, guys?"

They both turned to Wanda in shock when they heard her speaking and seeing her there in the room while shuffling her feet and pinching her thumb. Their anger seemed to disappear immediately, each looking bashful that they had been caught arguing.

Wanda twisted her thumb around as she mumbled quietly, "We could always do both."

They sort of blinked, looking stunned at the idea. They both turned back to each other.

"Both," Rose said in truce.

"Yeah, all right. Both. Both sounds good," the Doctor said with a shrug. He sent the TARDIS off with a spin of a dial. The TARIS shook as they travelled through the vortex. "But we're going to Diadem first."

"Seriously!" Rose exclaimed. But both Rose and the Doctor were laughing after that. Wanda smiled and laughed as well; just glad they were getting along.


Laughter could be heard in the TARDIS corridors as a brilliant white light flashed. Wanda suddenly appeared from said light. She could be seen clutching her stomach and laughing hard. She could not believe Rose had pushed the Doctor into that green lake. It had dyed his skin and hair into an instant dark shade of green, but surprisingly not his clothes. Apparently, they were immune to its affect. He had shouted and complained loudly, saying how it would take weeks for the effects to wear off. Then Rose had joked how the Doctor looked like a Martian and Wanda had lost it. Going to pieces in laughter, Rose had joined her. Both girls clutching onto each other while the Doctor pouted and grumbled at them both.

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