Chapter 11: Unwanted Wanda

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Wanda slowly made her way down to Rose, coming up beside the girl to stare out into space as well. They both stood in silence, observing the scene before them. Distant stars twinkled some while the Sun continued to expand and change. Still shining rays of different colors and lights across the solar system. Earth was yet to be harmed by these deadly gases, still in one piece. It sort of created a heavenly glow around the planet. Wanda glanced over to Rose, seeing how she still looked cross though not as angry as before. More or less put down by what had occurred. Wanda looked back to the sight before them, thinking of the right words to say.

"He . . . he doesn't like to talk about his past," she finally spoke up. "It hurts him too much. That's the Doctor . . . he never really talks about himself. Never. Not even to those closest to him." They both stood silent for a moment. Wanda waited patiently for Rose to speak again. Knowing how the girl needed some time to gather her words.

"I just wanted to know who exactly you two are," Rose finally said to her. "I mean, I just jumped on board a ship with two complete strangers. I don't know anything about either of you."

"I know," Wanda said softly. "You have the right to know." Rose turned to Wanda in question.

"Can't you just tell me who you are?" she asked her. Wanda opened her mouth to speak, but then closed it quickly. Thinking carefully upon this. Who was Wanda anymore? She was no longer the plain, ordinary human girl from back home. She was someone new in this universe. But the real question was: who exactly was she now?

"That's the thing . . . I can't really say who or what I am anymore. I mean, I used to be human like you. But then one day, I just sort of . . . changed. One minute human, the next not. Not only that, I'm not even from this universe to begin with," Wanda finally decided to say. Rose gazed at Wanda in wonderment.

"You used to be human?" Rose questioned curiously. Wanda nodded to her, making the girl raise both brows high. "Is that normal?"

Wanda hummed in thought, then shook her head slightly. "No, I don't think so."

"And . . . you say you're from another universe?"

"Yeah. I sort of got transported into this one somehow by mistake. And all of this," Wanda indicated around them, "everything we going through and doing, had been nothing more than a show I used to watch back in my world." Wanda stared back out the window, gazing into the expanding Sun. "The thing is, this is nothing like what I had watched. Everything's . . . different than what I had imagined. Everything's changing. Things are a lot harsher and . . . more frightening than what I had ever dreamed. Most of the time, I can barely stand any of it. I just want to curl up and hide away. I'm so nervous and scared . . . I just don't know what to do with myself." She pinched her thumb hard, tears welling up into her eyes.

Wanda sucked in a small breath, trying to keep herself calm and collected as she continued on speaking. "The worst part is I can never see my mother, father, sister, or even my best friend Shelly ever again. They've would have woken up by now. My mother would have found my bed empty. They'll see that I'm gone, and they'll always wonder what happened to me. They'll always wonder and never know. I'll become one of those missing people who just vanished and are never seen or heard from again. I can never let them know that I'm all right. I can never tell them how much I love them and miss them." Her voice started to waver and break as she cried. "I miss them so much."

Everything hit her right then and there as she began to sob. All this time, she had been numb to the knowledge of never returning home. The knowledge had never really hit her or settled in. It had been so quick and sudden to do so in the first place. But now, watching an alternate version of her home being destroyed, all those feelings simply washed over her as a flood of rapid emotions. Her anger, her pain, her fear, her sorrow, bursting all at once on her. She felt Rose pull her into a gentle hug as she cried. After a few minutes, Wanda quickly pulled back and wiped away her tears.

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