Chapter 23 Graduation. P1

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Its been a year since me and Nina met. And I probably would've told you I've known her my whole life.

She's everything to me. And with everyone's help I manned up and asked her out on a real date where Bailey couldn't stalk us down.

It's been one hell of a year but I think I'm finally at a place where I can say I'm happy.

I sold my apartment a couple weeks after me and Nina made it official.

I bought a house, not a forever one but a starter one. I've saved money for things like it so I'm glad I got to spend it on something for us. and Ninas going to move in after graduation.

Even if she's going to college and not going to always be here, she'll be here for holidays.

I made it guys. Almost.

Me and her plan to do a lot with our future.

She wants to take after her mom, be a nurse. Me I still want to own a car shop.

It's always been a dream of mine. But I also want to go into the army. I don't know how to tell Nina. I guess I'll figure that out soon.

Going to the army will be a one ticket out of being in a so called 'gang' that Ace now owns.

He's found himself a misses that you guys know. Remeber Nyah? Yeah well somehow they met.

but that's for another story.

This one's mine. And so is she.

I plan to get married to Nina one day. She just doesn't know it.

She's probably had the biggest in part on my life then anyone ever has. She's made me feel happy,

"Butterfly?" I ask and she giggles as she pulls back and smiles at me.

"Yes. You're my butterfly. You try to hide your true self and scare people off with your tattoos which resembles a butterfly wings designs , but when you trust a person, you show trust. And love. Just like a butterfly. And you also love flowers." She says the pauses and looks at my face then back at her lap. 

" it's stupid I know.." she says and puts her hands on her face and I move her hands

"It's not. I love it." I say and she smiles

She's made me feel scared,

" flash there's someone at my house." Nina whispers on the verge of tears.

" Nina? Baby. I'm on my way. Don't fucking hang up. Stay out of sight. Okay? Where are you?" I say running around my room. Finding pants and any shirt on the floor.

She's even fucking made me feel sad,

" yes you and me were a mistake! Because when I was in the worst state of mind, confused, mad, sad! You left! You told me you didn't want me! So you and me were a mistake!"

I was shocked. I didn't know she felt that way. I feel pain shoot through my chest. Heavier than a bullet. Heavier than fucking thoughts.

I feel my eyes water almost blocking my site as I walk away.

Nina Elizabeth Carson,

you are the one for me.

And I'll never not know

how much you mean to me.

I wrote that in a letter once. I was going to give it to her. Never did. I know I'm a chicken shit.

UNTIL HIM ( book 1)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora