Chapter 26 " Funeral"

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todays the day I've been dreading for weeks. Todays her funeral. Me, her mom and Nevaeh have been planning it.

Ninas wearing her ring she didn't even get 10 minutes with well at least I think I didn't get to see her.

It's closed casket.

I never thought this day would happen. I didn't think that there was any way possible she would be dead.

But I'm looking at the casket. We all decided to keep it closed. We didn't want to remember her this way. It wouldn't be fair to Nina.

Ace pats my back and sage does too. Bailey is in the back. Baileys looking at pictures of all of us. I'm worried about him. But I understand the pain he's going through I just don't know what to say.

Nina would though. She always had a way with Bailey. It's the truth they were best friends. They were closer than I was with Bailey and I've known him my whole life.

She just had a way.

She even got Ace to be cool. She made him happy. She made him laugh and she even gave him hope for better. And now he's thriving. He has the thing he's always wanted. He wanted to run the business and now he is. And he has a women. Nina would've liked her. She would've called her pretty. I just know she would.

Sage, well sage has finally moved on too. He's working for some addict place to help people move on from dugs and alcohol. He's struggled with it forever and helping other people helps him. He met a girl named molly there, I think she makes him happy.

And Bailey. Baileys a train reck without you Nina. He's struggling. He's been drinking a lot. Whenever he walked in he just smelled so strong. I let him in because how much he loved you but, I won't let him stay long. He needs to go home and sober up. I don't need him messing this day up.

This day.. fuck this day but this is the last time I'm seeing you so I want it to be right.

That sounds familiar.

" I was gonna wait for a little bit until we got settled but.. you know. I wanted it to be perfect for you.." I drop to my knee and smile up at her.

" Will you Nina Elizabeth Carson, make me the happiest fucking man in the world and marry me already?" I say and she smiles.

God I miss that fucking smile. I shake my head and walk towards the back with Bailey. Ace and sage stay up there. I think they know what I'm gonna do.

They're worried about me but I'm fine. I'm perfectly fine. And they keep trying to spend time with me, they keep telling me to tell them if I'm hurt but I'm not. I don't understand why they're so worried about me.

Nina's gone. Ninas gone and I'm fine. I wipe the tear of my face and look at Bailey.

" Bailey.." I mumble and he looks at me. Shocked.

" Flash.." he says and looks around my face. My face is probably red and has tears on it but I don't care.

" she was the reason I held on.. I- I don't think I can do it wi- without her man." I say and he grabs me pulling me into a hug.

" it's okay. It's okay." He says and we both just finally hug. It's like Weight I didn't know I had on my shoulders just lifted.

I'm not a baby. I never cry at funerals. I didn't even cry at my moms. But here. I lost her. The one person in the world I didn't need to or want to lose.

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