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"Oh wow."

"Oh wow, it's Teruhashi!"

"Oh wow."

"Good morning, Teruhashi!"

"I made this bento for you! I spent all night making it!"

"You look like an angel today!"

"She looks like an angel every day! Show some respect!"

"Yes. That's right! I'm the perfect pretty girl! Another day of perfection." The teenage girl thought confidently as she strutted down the hallways of the school. She held one of the straps of her bag hanging around her left shoulder sure to grip it at the perfect strength to prevent a hand cramp. Her legs moved at the perfect pace to ensure her hair waved through the air to give her the look of a goddess. She had practiced her whole life for this. This walk. The walk, she will continue her whole life doing. Her eyes scanned around the group of daily followers that had bothered her every day testing her patience. Teruhashi saw her life as a constant test. If you're not getting the perfect scores when communicating are you truly perfect?

"Ah, Tadashi! You got a haircut! It looks good on you." Teruhashi smiled at the boy who passed out being caught by two boys who dragged him away

"So lucky."

"My hair is getting pretty long."

"We should go to the hair salon after class."

"I've been seeing Saiki eating alone more often. Some friends. Don't worry Saiki! I would never treat you like that!" Teruhashi thought making her way to the classroom where she would ask the boy to eat with her. Teruhashi had been convincing herself that it was not because she had a crush or anything that absurd. Saiki was just a very stubborn boy. And Teruhashi wanted to see him stutter and break down when she finally makes him say "oh wow".
Teruhashi came to a halt when seeing Saiki in the class next to theirs.

"Hurry. I need you" Saiki urgently thought when he opened the classroom door to get to the quiet ordinary girl as quickly as possible. He marched into the classroom while Teruhashi lagged behind the boy curiously wondering why exactly the pink-haired teen entered the wrong class.

Y/n was quietly reading a small book to herself. Right now it had reached a climax so she took the liberty of spacing out and imagining the scenario with herself as a part of the story. Interacting with the characters. Fighting. It was nice to have a big imagination sometimes. She jumped hearing the door slam open and turned over to see a familiar pink haired boy looking around urgently

"Saiki?" She muttered and he turned his gaze sharply over to the girl

"Why's your damn head so quiet. There's no time to explain just get over here." Saiki's lips curved into a frown and he jogged over to the girl gripping her sleeve and getting ready to drag her out of the class. Y/n was luckily a very obedient person and seemed to not mind getting dragged all over the school for no reason whatsoever. Before leaving, Saiki noticed the girl turning over her blank sheet of homework so it would face the empty back of the paper.
The two approached the door while Mr. Nekuwara seemed to be tearing up at the fact she had gained so many new friends in a couple of days.

"Where are we going?" Y/n asked curiously. Saiki ignored her as he gripped the handle to the door and slid it open. As he did this Saiki reached down intertwining his hands with Y/n's. The girl felt her face heat up and she looked at him with a mixture of shock and confusion. At the other side of the door was a girl Y/n was very familiar with. Her blue locks waved gracefully reacting to the wind Saiki created when opening the door. She held a bento in her hands gripping it a little tighter when seeing the couple together. Saiki stared blankly at Teruhashi while his hand gripped Y/n's a little tighter.

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